Dokshitsy Regional Executive Committee

Address: 31 Leninskaya Street,
Dokshytsy 211722
8 (02157) 3-25-10 from 8.00 to 17.00
8 (02157) 3-25-11

Main / News / Republic
17 February 2023

Unemployment rate in Eurasian Economic Union down by almost 19% in 2022

The unemployment rate in the Eurasian Economic Union decreased by almost 19% in 2022, official representative of the Eurasian Economic Commission Iya Malkina said at a briefing for the press in Moscow on 16 February, BelTA has learned.

“The number of unemployed people registered with the EAEU employment services at the year-end of 2022 totaled 824,300 and decreased by almost 18.7% year-on-year,” Iya Malkina said.

“The number of the unemployed accounted for 0.9% of the total labor force. In 2021, the figure was 1.1%,” the EEC representative said.