Dokshitsy Regional Executive Committee

Address: 31 Leninskaya Street,
Dokshytsy 211722
8 (02157) 3-25-10 from 8.00 to 17.00
8 (02157) 3-25-11

Main / Social sphere / Culture and Mass Media

Culture and Mass Media

Some 77 establishments provide cultural services in the region.

The Dokshitsy town cultural centre has folk song and music company “Ranitsa” and folk theater and pop music studio “Kaleidaskop”.

Folk club of amateur artists and folk masters “Doksha” has been set up in the Dokshitsy regional house of handicrafts. It unites 25 folk masters from various regions of the oblast.

Amateur talent groups of the region take part in various nationwide and oblast celebrations, festivals and contests on a permanent basis.

The book stocks of the regional libraries includes 335 thousand 719 books and periodicals, of them – 94 thousand 415 books in the Belarusian language. The regional libraries have repeatedly won the republican contest “Library is the centre of the national culture” (the Stanislovka, Volodki, Sitsy-based village libraries and others), the oblast contest “The best library promoting historical-patriotic education” (the Begoml-based library, 2005), the oblast contest “The best library popularizing the life and creative activity of V. Korotkevich” (the Glinnoye-based library), the oblast contest “Innovations in a village library” (the Yanushevo-based village library) and others.

The cultural establishments of the region provide 20 various types of paid services to the population.

There are art schools and a music school which are attended by 339 students. There are 17,383 exhibits in the Begoml People’s Glory Museum.