Dokshitsy Regional Executive Committee

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8 (02157) 3-25-10 from 8.00 to 17.00
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Main / News / Republic
22 September 2023

Sustainable development of UAE, Belarus seen as most important goal of cooperation

Through mutually beneficial cooperation, the UAE and Belarus can achieve common goals, the most important of which is the sustainable development of the two countries and humanity as a whole, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United Arab Emirates to the Republic of Belarus Ibrahim Salim Mohamed Almusharrekh said at the Gomel Economic Forum, BelTA has learned.

According to the ambassador, the UAE and Belarus attach great importance to such areas as trade, economy, investment, technology, energy, climate change, culture, education, healthcare, and sport. The two countries pay attention to consular relations, cooperation in international organizations, and the fight against terrorism. "All this is the result of political will, which allowed the two countries to establish a strong partnership in various fields," the diplomat emphasized.

He spoke about the Centennial Plan 2071 launched by the UAE government. It aims to invest in future generations and equip them with the skills and knowledge needed to keep pace with the global rapid changes.

"All areas that the UAE considers priorities represent promising areas for cooperation between our countries," the UAE diplomat said.

He noted that Belarus has a great potential and extensive experience in agriculture and food production. "Belarus is ready to share its knowledge, technology and experience with the UAE. In turn, the UAE can become a gateway for Belarusian products to the markets of the Middle East and North Africa," the diplomat said.

"Through mutually beneficial cooperation, we can achieve common goals, the most important of which is to ensure the sustainable development of the two countries and humanity as a whole," he concluded.

The 17th edition of the Gomel Economic Forum brought together more than 370 participants from Belarus and 12 countries. The forum runs three breakout sessions: Manufacturing and Construction, Tourism and Welfare, Small and Medium-Sized Businesses and two exhibitions: PromStroyAgro and R&D achievements of Gomel Oblast. The forum seeks to facilitate the economic development of Gomel Oblast.