Dokshitsy Regional Executive Committee

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8 (02157) 3-25-10 from 8.00 to 17.00
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Main / News / Republic
3 October 2022

Minister: Belarus and Armenia need cooperation projects

MINSK, 30 September - The extensive way of trade development through increasing the supply of traditional groups of goods is outdated. We need cooperation projects today, Belarusian Forestry Minister Aleksandr Kulik said at a session of the intergovernmental Belarusian-Armenian commission on trade and economic cooperation in Yerevan, learned from the press service of the Forestry Ministry.

Aleksandr Kulik stressed: “The development of cooperation projects guarantees us long-term and fruitful interaction that is not so much prone to market fluctuations as simple trade.”

The minister emphasized the special role of the participation of Belarus and Armenia in the plans to increase cooperation in the Eurasian Economic Union. “We have a huge market, the potential of which should be effectively used. The key area of this work should be the strengthening of production cooperation ties, efforts to develop joint competitive products, which are in demand not only in the domestic and EAEU markets, but also in third countries,” Aleksandr Kulik said.

Over the past year, Belarus and Armenia have intensified their bilateral dialogue in all areas, including trade and economy, humanitarian affairs and law enforcement. The two countries have ensured positive growth of bilateral commodity trade over the time. This pertains both to export of goods to Armenia and import of Armenian goods to Belarus. In addition, the two countries have secured mutual growth in supplies of agricultural and food products, outlined industrial cooperation projects, and maintained high frequency of air flights on the Minsk-Yerevan-Minsk route.

The previous meeting of the intergovernmental Belarusian-Armenian commission on trade and economic cooperation took place in Minsk in November 2021. Then, the commission outlined guidelines and projects for bilateral cooperation, which helped maintain vibrant interaction.