Dokshitsy Regional Executive Committee

Address: 31 Leninskaya Street,
Dokshytsy 211722
8 (02157) 3-25-10 from 8.00 to 17.00
8 (02157) 3-25-11

Main / News / Republic
19 August 2015

Lukashenko urges big charity campaign to help low-income children get ready for school

Belarus will hold a large-scale charity campaign to help children from low-income families and families with many children to get ready for school. Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko gave the instruction as he heard out a report from Education Minister Mikhail Zhuravkov on 18 August, BelTA has learned.

The preparation for the new academic year has begun. The head of state was informed that it is not difficult to prepare a child for school today; the parents can buy everything from study guides to clothes. Alexander Lukashenko noted that there is a good trend in the country to help children from low-income families and families with many children get ready for school. “We should not forget about it this year. Everyone, from the president to those who can provide footwear and clothes for children, needs to be engaged in this campaign,” the head of state stressed. “There should be no differences between children from disadvantaged and well-off families. All children are equal. Therefore, we must do our best here,” he added.

In this regard Alexander Lukashenko instructed the Education Ministry to organize work, engage the society and help children get ready for school. The President remarked that special attention should be drawn to first-grade pupils. The number of first-graders increased by 1,600 from last year to 106,000 this year. “This is a good trend. We have finally replenished the demographic gap, and now the number of first-grade pupils is increasing,” the President said.

Apart from that, the Education Minister informed the head of state about the results of the enrollment campaign. All admission quotas were filled, especially the quotas for budget-sponsored places and popular professions.

Alexander Lukashenko also focused on the training of blue-collar workers because the situation in this field is rather difficult in the CIS and Eastern Europe. Meanwhile, Belarus has preserved the system of vocational training. The President asked about the current state of affairs in vocational training.