Dokshitsy Regional Executive Committee

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Dokshytsy 211722
8 (02157) 3-25-10 from 8.00 to 17.00
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Main / News / Republic
18 April 2022

Lukashenko on visit to Russia: A new page in our relations has been opened

A new page in Belarus-Russia relations has been opened as a result of the working trip to Russia and the visit to the Vostochny Cosmodrome in Russia's Amur Oblast. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko made the statement as he participated in the nationwide subbotnik on 16 April, BelTA has learned.

Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed that all the restrictions prohibiting Belarusian citizens and organizations from participating in construction in previously restricted areas had been lifted. “A law has been passed in Russia. Specifically for Belarus. It is a rare occasion. It had never happened. Belarusians are now allowed to access all the restricted facilities. And the Belarusian president has never faced such a prohibition. I've been to the factories that make nuclear warheads and missiles. I know it all. Moreover, Putin and I have recently attended an exercise for deterrence forces (one can say nuclear deterrence forces),” the president said. “So a new page in our relations has been opened. All kinds of prohibitions against Belarus' presence at Russian restricted construction sites have been lifted. The cosmodrome is a secret restricted construction project.”

Aleksandr Lukashenko noted the proposal for Belarus to help finish building the cosmodrome had come from Russia. Providing help with housing construction is part of the deal. “It was such a request. It was a proposal of the president of Russia,” he explained.

Aleksandr Lukashenko also responded to publications in Western mass media, which claim the visit to the cosmodrome had been arranged in order to take photos of Aleksandr Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin together with the nuclear launch suitcase. “Right. We posed for photos. I didn't even see the suitcase,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said. “It is astounding. The rocket was a beauty! Truth be told, it was not the first time I'd seen this rocket. It was not the first time I'd been photographed with this rocket in the background. And Putin and I have plenty of photos. This is why, you know, those are small and disgusting insinuations. Someone may be envious of the huge empire inviting a younger brother in order to work together and gaze into the future. Finally.”