Dokshitsy Regional Executive Committee

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Dokshytsy 211722
8 (02157) 3-25-10 from 8.00 to 17.00
8 (02157) 3-25-11

Main / News / Republic
24 August 2022

China branch of BRICS Institute, Belarusian commodity exchange to develop cooperation in e-commerce

MINSK, 23 August - The China branch of the BRICS Future Network Research Institute and the Belarusian Universal Commodity Exchange agreed to develop cooperation in electronic commerce, learned from BUCE spokesman Roman Yaniv.

During an online meeting, the Chinese branch of the BRICS Institute expressed readiness to provide consulting support and raise awareness of business in China and other BRICS countries about the advantages of using the Belarusian exchange platform to enter the Belarusian market and make transit transactions.

In turn, BUCE talked about the exchange commodity market in Belarus, including the digital infrastructure and suggested joining forces with the institute to popularize exchange instruments and increase the volume of exchange trade between Belarus and China."It should be understood that our exchange has already gone far beyond the borders of Belarus and today we are a full-fledged international trading platform represented in 70 countries. Therefore, all Chinese companies accredited with us (about 100 of them as of today) automatically get access to our multi-thousand customer base. The opportunities for interaction are enormous," said Aleksei Matsevolo, Deputy Chairman of the Board of BUCE.

The parties discussed the main organizational issues related to the participation of Chinese companies in exchange trading, including the accreditation procedure, mutual settlements on transactions, the terms of delivery of goods and control over the fulfillment of contractual obligations. Plans are in place to draw up a preliminary plan for cooperation between BUCE and the BRICS Institute and approve it at the next meeting.