Dokshitsy Regional Executive Committee

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Dokshytsy 211722
8 (02157) 3-25-10 from 8.00 to 17.00
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Main / News / Republic
8 June 2022

Belarusian automaker MAZ signs memorandum of cooperation with Russia's Republic of Mordovia

A memorandum of cooperation was signed between OAO MAZ, the managing company of the holding company BelavtoMAZ and the Republic of Mordovia of the Russian Federation on the sidelines of the international agricultural expo Belagro 2022, BelTA has learned.

The document was signed by Director General of OAO MAZ, the managing company of the holding company BelavtoMAZ Valery Ivankovich and Chairman of the Government of Mordovia Vladimir Sidorov.

MAZ's press service noted that in line with the memorandum the sides will work together to improve consumer qualities of automobile transport, its reliability, environmental friendliness, and accessibility for all population groups.

MAZ's exposition at Belagro 2022 features trucks and passenger vehicles, which are needed for agricultural work. The products on display include a dropside truck with a grain-carrying trailer, a tractor unit with a grain-carrying semitrailer, and a dropside truck powered by an 185hp Euro-5 engine.

Other BelavtoMAZ enterprises are also represented at Belagro 2022, including the Osipovichi automobile parts plant, Heavy Forging Plant, and the trailer and body plant MAZ-Kupava.

The international agricultural expo Belagro 2022 is taking place in the China-Belarus industrial park Great Stone on 7-11 June. The forum traditionally gathers not only Belarusian agrarians and workers of the food industry and the processing industry but also their foreign colleagues and partners. Over 400 companies from various countries, including Belarus, China, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and other ones, are taking part in the expo this year. Representatives of over 30 regions of Russia are expected to participate in the expo.

Collective expositions have been arranged by the Belarusian Agriculture and Food Ministry, the Industry Ministry, the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, the Belarusian state food industry concern Belgospishcheprom, and the Belarusian National Union of Consumer Societies (Belkoopsoyuz).

Belagro 2022 also offers a venue for business negotiations. The program of the expo includes B2B meetings, roundtable sessions, conferences, product demonstrations, and contests.