Dokshitsy Regional Executive Committee

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Dokshytsy 211722
8 (02157) 3-25-10 from 8.00 to 17.00
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Main / News / Republic
1 June 2022

Belarus regrets Israel's refusal to service Belavia aircraft

The Belarusian side accepted with great regret Israel's recent decision to refuse to service aircraft of the Belarusian flag carrier Belavia in the Ben Gurion Airport, representatives of the Belarusian embassy in Israel told BelTA.

After Israeli aviation authorities green lighted the resumption of regular Belavia flights between Tel Aviv and Minsk on 15 May 2022, Belavia started thoroughly and scrupulously preparing to carry passengers from the two countries. It is obvious that Israel's decision not to service Belavia's aircraft will affect primarily interests of ordinary Belarusian and Israeli citizens. Flights between Minsk and Tel Aviv have always been popular with them since many have relatives, real estate, businesses, and so on in Belarus and Israel. Those, who wanted to relax amidst unique nature, and those, who were interested in the centuries-old history of Judaism in the Belarusian land, also frequently visited Belarus.

The Belarusian embassy noted that Israel's refusal will also negatively affect the development of the tourism industry of the two countries. The revival of the tourism industry is a pressing matter after lengthy COVID-19 related restrictions.

For 26 years Belavia has served as the key and very comfortable means of transportation between Belarus and Israel. It was Belavia that offered the only opportunity for many Israelis to reach their home country during the toughest pandemic-related restrictions not so long ago, the embassy noted.

The Belarusian side expects the current situation to be resolved soon in the interests of citizens of Belarus and Israel.