Dokshitsy Regional Executive Committee

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Dokshytsy 211722
8 (02157) 3-25-10 from 8.00 to 17.00
8 (02157) 3-25-11

Main / News / Republic
15 August 2023

Ambassador: Brazil is highly interested in Belarusian farm machines

Brazil is highly interested in Belarusian farm machines, Brazilian Ambassador to Belarus Bernard Jorg Leopold de Garcia Klingl said on the air of the Belarus 1 TV channel, BelTA has learned.

"In Brazil, there is a very high interest in Belarusian farm machines, for example MTZ tractors. They are reliable, of high quality and very well suited for Brazilian small and medium-sized businesses in the agricultural sector," Ambassador Bernard Jorg Leopold de Garcia Klingl said.

According to him, there are about 5 million agricultural enterprises in Brazil, of which 70% are small businesses. "They need equipment, tractors, which are produced in Belarus. For example, BELARUS-152 and BELARUS-622 models are a perfect fit for such farms. They are easy to use, increase productivity. This is very important for our country," the ambassador stressed.

The diplomat noted that work is underway on a possibility of concluding agreements to set up joint ventures with two Brazilian States of Ceará and Goiás.