Dokshitsy Regional Executive Committee

Address: 31 Leninskaya Street,
Dokshytsy 211722
8 (02157) 3-25-10 from 8.00 to 17.00
8 (02157) 3-25-11

Main / News / Republic


7 March 2023
The commission for processing applications of Belarusians living abroad has launched its website, BelTA informs citing the Prosecutor General's Office. According to the Prosecutor General's Office, the website has all the necessary information: rules for filling in and submitting applications, deadlines for handling such applications, the competences of the commission. The website has also a FAQ section. Website users can contact the commission directly through an...
6 March 2023
A total of 1.53 million Belarusians traveled locally last year. Some 1.401 million of them opted for one-day trips (excursions), BelTA learned from the National Statistics Committee. In 2022, there were 1,203 organizations offering tourism activities in Belarus. More than 2 million organized tourists took advantage of their services. In 2022, an estimated 348,600 organized tourists, citizens of Belarus, traveled abroad, while the number of foreign tourists in Belarus made up...
3 March 2023
Healthcare is not just an expenditure item on a budget, but the foundation of security and stability of any state, Belarus' Deputy Prime Minister Igor Petrishenko said at the NAM Contact Group Summit in response to COVID-19 that is taking place in Azerbaijan, BelTA has learned. “Belarus did not go into complete lockdown, however, all the necessary preventive measures were taken and WHO recommendations were observed. In the very beginning of the novel coronavirus outbreak, Belarus...
2 March 2023
The Supreme State Council of the Union State has passed a resolution to approve the Union State information security concept, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. “The document was developed in close collaboration of the offices of the security councils, foreign ministries and other authorities of the two countries. The document seeks to create a solid legal foundation to respond to modern information challenges and threats,” the...
1 March 2023
The health ministries of Belarus and Cuba are interested in simplified drug registration and joint production, First Deputy Healthcare Minister of Belarus Yelena Krotkova told reporters after a meeting with a Cuban delegation, BelTA has learned. According to her, Belarus' Healthcare Ministry has been cooperating with Cuba's Ministry of Public Health for more than 15 years. A number of meetings took place in 2022, and three key issues were raised at the meeting on 28 February....
28 February 2023
China and Belarus maintain partner relations in healthcare, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of China to the Republic of Belarus Xie Xiaoyong said in an interview with BelTA in the run-up to the state visit of the highest-level Belarusian delegation to Beijing. “After the outbreak of COVID-19, China and Belarus have been helping each other and fighting the pandemic hand in hand. On the personal instructions of Aleksandr Lukashenko, a...