Dokshitsy Regional Executive Committee

Address: 31 Leninskaya Street,
Dokshytsy 211722
8 (02157) 3-25-10 from 8.00 to 17.00
8 (02157) 3-25-11

Main / News / Region
17 November 2023

“Onegin Readings” and “Pushkin Days” will reach a new level

Recently, Vitebsk gymnasium No. 3 named after. A. Pushkina received guests from the Republic of Tatarstan (Russian Federation). The arrival of the delegation to a specific educational institution was not accidental: the connecting link was a classic of Russian literature.

It all started with the fact that the director of the gymnasium, Elena Matveeva, received an invitation in September of this year to participate in the International Forum of Teaching Workers and Managerial Personnel of Educational Organizations named after. A. Pushkin. There they presented the unique practices of those educational institutions that bear the name of the famous writer, discussed his spiritual and moral heritage in the context of a modern school, global trends in teaching the Russian language, and much more. Elena Antonovna was unable to go to Tatarstan, but modern technologies allowed her to participate in the event remotely. This is how the Vitebsk gymnasium and its achievements became known far beyond the boundaries of the Pridvina region.

After this, Aliya Shagaeva, who is the head of the Association “Commonwealth of Educational Organizations named after A. Pushkin and Teachers” and the director of Lyceum No. 9 named after. A. Pushkin of the Zelenodolsk municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan, decided to expand interaction with Belarus. The result was a November visit to Vitebsk.

A rich program was prepared for the delegation. The guests got acquainted with the educational process, the activities of children's public associations, the Consonance literary club, the Pushkin Center, and visited the museum, the exhibition of which tells about former juvenile prisoners of fascist concentration camps. Then everyone plunged into the work of the great Russian poet and his era as part of the “Pushkin in Music” project.