Dokshitsy Regional Executive Committee

Address: 31 Leninskaya Street,
Dokshytsy 211722
8 (02157) 3-25-10 from 8.00 to 17.00
8 (02157) 3-25-11

Main / News / Region
20 December 2023

Ivan Sushko: “I try to justify their trust to the best of my ability”

The agricultural enterprise he led was strong. Here they cared about the development of production, but did not forget about the conditions for workers. The director responded to requests from residents of the district for the cultivation of gardens, harvesting, street lighting, improved the work of auto shops, landscaping, filling the streets in the summer and clearing them of snow in the winter.

Today he can’t even remember all the problems that people came up with. Solving them, he believes, in most cases did not require large material costs. More often it was necessary to find time in a busy work schedule to meet with colleagues from other organizations in order to resolve an issue that was not directly within his competence.

The voters of the district respected their deputy and were grateful for the attention to their needs. And when the time came for the next elections to local authorities, they voted for Sushko again, even though he had already changed his job - he headed a meat processing plant.

The company was going through difficult times. There were not enough raw materials to load its capacity, which means there were no production volumes. Many areas required reconstruction. In a word, the team needed a person who could influence the situation and change it for the better. It took Ivan Sushko five years to get the plant out of debt with the support of the district executive committee and the district council and the agro-industrial association. Already last year, the team ensured a significant increase in product output and successfully sold it in the country and on the foreign market. He used the profits to improve working conditions for people, and began the reconstruction of the slaughterhouse at his own expense. In particular, current repairs of the supply and exhaust ventilation of the “hottest” – offal – department, and routine repairs of the supply and exhaust ventilation of the intestinal department were carried out. To constantly reduce gas pollution and lower air humidity, a turbo deflector is installed in the latter.

Further more. Modern living rooms were equipped for workers, the territory was landscaped, and the appearance of production and administrative buildings was radically changed.

The strengthening of the economy was felt not only by the plant’s workers. Knowing well the life of the villagers, who in recent years have been faced with the problem of trade services, the plant began to open its own company stores in the villages, in which they sold their products and goods of other manufacturers with a minimum trade margin. The benefit was mutual. The enterprise increased sales, and the population got the opportunity to buy the goods they need close to home, and even cheaper than in the regional center. Now the company has five stores. Another one is just around the corner. The premises for it have already been purchased. Thus, the team fulfills the requirement of the President of the Republic of Belarus to provide people in small settlements with the necessary range of food products, including taking into account the upcoming New Year and Christmas holidays.

As a deputy, Ivan Sushko actively participates in the life of the city and region. The team that he heads has sponsored streets, where he keeps order, now participates in clearing the regional center of snow, and prepares for the New Year holidays, where the “Our Children” campaign is given special attention.

“By electing us to Councils at various levels, people hope that we will protect their interests and make life more comfortable,” says Ivan Sushko. “I try to justify their trust to the best of my ability.”