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Председатель Докшицкого районного исполнительного комитета
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Book of Memory of Dokshitsy District
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Belarus, Saudi Arabia to introduce reciprocal concessional taxation for economic agents
24 November 2009
National Bank to reduce annual refinance rate from 14% to 13.5%
23 November 2009
U.S. renews limited sanctions waivers for Lakokraska and Polotsk Steklovolokno
19 November 2009
Italy keen to invest in construction of logistic centers in Belarus
Vitebsk hosts international festival of modern choreography
Belarus Premier: capital improvement must be stepped up
18 November 2009
Alexander Lukashenko concerned about Belarus’ interests in Customs Union
17 November 2009
Medical universities of five countries sign cooperation agreements
16 November 2009
Venezuelan specialists getting familiar with Belarusian forestry technologies
Naftan launches $1.4bn development program
Foreign investors increasingly interested in Belarus
13 November 2009
Belarus, Azerbaijan sign package of bilateral agreements
12 November 2009
Inflation in Belarus at 0.4% in October
11 November 2009
FEZ Vitebsk to present three projects at Belarus Investment and Economic Forum
10 November 2009
Belarus’ President: improvement of electoral law will not require constitutional changes
Conference in Vitebsk to focus on improvement of work with gifted children
Belwest introduces ISO 9001-2009 standard
Religious policy pursued in Belarus is the key to civil peace, Lukashenko says
9 November 2009
Lukashenko, Yushchenko to continue bilateral talks 6 November
6 November 2009
Belarus, Ukraine close to strategic partnership
5 November 2009