Сергей Владимирович Абирало

Председатель Докшицкого районного исполнительного комитета


Дорогие друзья! Мы рады приветствовать всех, кто посетил официальный сайт Докшицкого районного исполнительного комитета...

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8:00-13:00 | 14:00-17:00

Приём обращений граждан и юридических лиц c 8.00

211722, г. Докшицы, ул. Ленинская, д. 31
8 (021) 573-25-10приёмная
Dokshitsky Regional Executive Committee


The regional educational network includes 49 various educational establishments: 11 secondary schools, 2 basic schools, 13 socio-pedagogical compounds “school-kindergarten”, 16 pre-school establishments, the Dokshitsy educational evening school, the Begoml children’s school for orphans, a training  and rehabilitation centre, a children’s creative art centre, a children’s sports school.

Representatives of the region won prizes in six subjects at the oblast wide Olympiads. In the nationwide round of the Olympiad in Mathematics Mikhail Zakalinsky, a studnet of Dokshitsy secondary school #1 was awarded a third-class diploma and a prize of the Special Fund of the President of Belarus. His name was included into the talented youth database of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus.