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Председатель Докшицкого районного исполнительного комитета
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Government procurement
Humanitarian cooperation
Consumer protection
Land plots
Book of Memory of Dokshitsy District
Anti-Corruption Commission
Control activities
Local budgets
Unused real estate
Regulatory documents
Public organizations
Occupational safety
Empty houses
Social standards
Organization of hotel complex, café, gambling business
Investment offer
Project name: Organization of hotel complex, café, gambling business. Project location: Begoml, Dokshitsy region, crossing of M-3 Minsk-Bitebsk (105 kilometres) and P-3 Logoisk-Zembin-Glubokoe (80 kilometres). Intensity of motion 3225 cars in twenty-four hours Company full name (project initiator): Dokshitsy regional unitary enterprise of housing and communal service “Dokshitsy-communalnik” Ownership: district community property Registration date: 27.11.1996
Current trends of the sector:
Product description:
Total investment: $ 625 ths., including capital expenditures: $ 625 ths.
Financing requirement for investor: $ 625 ths.
Type of investor participation: % of shares purchase;
% of authorized fund purchase;
X joint venture creation;
X other: credit, joint production
Investment structure: Research and development;
X Construction;
X Preparation for production;
X Equipment and license purchase;
Real estate purchase;
X Replenishment of current assets;
Necessity of import: Equipment;
Raw material;
Production techniques;
Component parts;
Expected performance indicators:
Infrastructure available: X Railway lines and roads
Warehouses, logistical terminals X Possibility to expand production and install additional facilities Possibility to create the necessary infrastructure via state budgetary financing
X Other:
Degree of production availability (available industrial area, land allocation, other): total building area is 1272 square meters, building year – 1980. Available communications: the sewage system, the plumbing, the heating, power lines and communication
Strategic competitive advantages: X Dominance at the domestic market;
X Complexity of the technological process;
Logistical advantages;
Experienced management;
Price factor;
Investor’s benefits: X Market entry;
Access to large contract works;
Participation in the procedure of public purchases;
X Local raw materials;
X Benefits granted;
Sales revenue, without VAT (after reaching the estimated capacity): Pay-back period (in years): Dynamic pay-back period (in years): Internal rate of return (IRR) Net present value (NPV)
Person responsible for the project (name, position): Misjchenko Alexei, deputy Chairman of Regional Executive Committee Telephone: +375 29 133 31 16; +375 2157 2 13 45 Fax: +375 2157 2 22 25 e-mail:, Date of investment offer completion: 01.02.2013
Investment offer BEREZINO
Project name: Development of agrarian ecological tourism complex is in _____ Dokshitsy district Project location: ------------------------- Company full name (project initiator): Dokshitsy regional unitary enterprise of housing and communal service “Dokshitsy-communal” Ownership: district community property Registration date: 27 november 1996 year
Total investment: $ 200 ths., including capital expenditures: $ 200 ths.
Financing requirement for investor: $ 200 ths.
Type of investor participation: X 50 % of shares purchase;
X other: complete financing of project
Degree of production availability (available industrial area, land allocation, other): brick two-storeyed building by an area 434,9 sq.m. on the stage of suggestion Strategic competitive advantages: X Dominance at the domestic market;
Complexity of the technological process;
Person responsible for the project (name, position): Misachenka Aliaksei, deputy Chairman of Regional Executive Committee Telephone: +375 29 133 31 16; +375 2157 2 13 45 Fax: +375 2157 2 22 25 e-mail:, Date of investment offer completion: 10 juli 2012 year
Construction of greenhouse
Project name: Construction of greenhouse, Dokshitsy distrit Begoml Lepelskay street Project location: ------------------------- Company full name (project initiator): Dokshitsy regional unitary enterprise of housing and communal service “Dokshitsy-communalnik” Ownership: district community property Registration date: 27 .11. 1996
Competitive advantages:
Degree of production availability (available industrial area, land allocation, other): a land area of 5 hectares, building area the greenhouse complex – 0,45 ha, hothouse are – 0,25 ha Strategic competitive advantages: X Dominance at the domestic market;
X Price factor;
Local raw materials;
Sales revenue, without VAT (after reaching the estimated capacity): $ 120 ths. Pay-back period (in years): 4 years Dynamic pay-back period (in years): 5 years Internal rate of return (IRR) 10% Net present value (NPV) $ 10 ths.
Person responsible for the project (name, position): Misachenka Aliaksei, deputy Chairman of Regional Executive Committee Telephone: +375 29 133 31 16; +375 2157 2 13 45 Fax: +375 2157 2 22 25 e-mail:, Date of investment offer completion: 01/02/2013
Development of farm tourism is in village Yanuki, Dokshitsy region
Project name: Development of farm tourism is in village Yanuki, Dokshitsy region Project location: a village Yanuki, Dokshitsy region Company full name (project initiator): Dokshitsy Regional Executive Committee Ownership: Registration date:
Total investment: $ 813 ths., including capital expenditures: $ 813 ths.
Financing requirement for investor: $ 813 ths.
joint venture creation;
Investment structure: X Research and development;
Preparation for production; Equipment and license purchase;
X Real estate purchase;
Replenishment of current assets;
Degree of production availability (available industrial area, land allocation, other): program of revival and development of village Yanuki, Dokshitsy region is worked out, equipping with modern amenities of territoru is conducted. Strategic competitive advantages: X Dominance at the domestic market;
Person responsible for the project (name, position): Misochenko Alexei, deputy Chairman of Regional Executive Committee Telephone: +375 29 133 31 16; +375 2157 2 13 45 Fax: +375 2157 2 22 25 e-mail:, Date of investment offer completion: 01.02.2013
Unoccupied real estate
Unoccupied properties available for sale, lease, and handover
Property description
Commissioned in
Total area (in m2)
Photo and extra information
Bathhouse 38 Tsentralnaya Street, the agrotown of Berezki, Dokshitsy District, 211738
Located near a body of water The land plot occupies 0.1386ha The land can be leased for a period of 50 years
Available for sale for 1 base amount
Bathhouse 38A Tsentralnaya Street, the agrotown of Sitsy, Dokshitsy District
The building of the bathhouse with a porch and a toilet – one-story brick building, foundation of reinforced concrete, ceilings of reinforced concrete, roof of asbestos-cement sheets.
Can be used as a residential premise.
Therapy wing building at 1B Sovetsky Lane, the town of Begoml
The therapy wing is a one-story building made of wooden logs and encased with bricks with a strip foundation of stones, wooden ceilings, and a roof of asbestos-cement sheets on wooden rafters.
The land plot as large as 0.2256ha can be leased for a period of 50 years. The building can be used as a medical institution, an office, a retail outlet, a public catering outlet, an inn, a consumer services outlet.
Set of permanent structures of the Nesterovshchina school-garden complex (two buildings, one structure) in the village of Nesterovshchina, Dokshitsy District
The land plot as large as 0.2387ha can be leased for a period of 50 years.
Can be used as a residential premise
Available for sale for 3 base amounts
1975, 1984
108 120
Set of permanent structures of the Nesterovshchina school (three buildings) in the village of Nesterovshchina, Dokshitsy District
Building No.1 (primary school) Building No.2 (secondary school) Building No.3 (workshop)
The land plot as large as 0.8657ha can be leased for a period of 50 years.
326 108 98
Set of permanent structures of the Gorodishche school (two buildings, four structures, one line of lamp posts) at 20 Shkolnaya Street in the village of Gorodishche, Dokshitsy District
A school building with a boiler house and beautification elements (asphalt-concrete pavement, a line of lamp posts, a metal fence with a gate) and essential services (heating and water pipelines, electricity, and sewerage).
The land plot as large as 0.9101ha can be leased for a period of 50 years.
Available for sale for 10 base amounts
2301.7 90.8
Set of permanent structures of the Zabortsy school: (2 buildings, 2 structures) 31 Zabortsy, Dokshitsy District
A school building and three barns, a cellar, a boiler house, a fence, asphalt-concrete pavement, a fence, and perennial plants
The land plot occupies 1.6061ha The land can be leased for a period of 50 years
1136 68
Set of permanent structures (2 buildings, 2 structures) in the village of Berezino, Dokshitsy District
A school building with a boiler house, two pathways, sewerage pipelines, a smoke chimney is a two-story brick building on a stone foundation, wooden ceilings, and a roof of asbestos-cement sheets
A non-residential building is a two-story brick building on a concrete foundation with wooden ceilings and a roof of asbestos-cement sheets.
A land plot as large as 2.7468ha can be leased for a period of 50 years. It can be used as intended or for accommodating an administration building, a retail outlet, a public catering outlet, an inn, consumer services, or for other purposes. Available for sale via auction with the price descending in steps of 20%, 50%, 80% to 7 base amounts
Building of a preschool daycare center 116 Sovetskaya Street, the agrotown of Krulevshchina, Dokshitsy District
A school building with a basement, two brick gazebos, two barns, a fence, beautification elements and utility networks (sewerage and water supply, electricity line) – reinforced concrete blocks, reinforced concrete ceilings, and a roof of roll materials.
The land plot as large as 0.3659ha can be leased for a period of 50 years. It can be used as intended or for accommodating an administration building, a retail outlet (except for food trade), a public catering outlet, an inn, consumer services, or for other purposes.
Available for sale via auction with the price descending in steps of 20%, 50%, 80% to 7 base amounts
Cannot be used as a residential premise
953.5 2911
AVAILABLE FOR LEASE 864 m2 Direct lease agreement
A one-story building with metal walls, electric lights, heating pipelines, ventilation
The coefficient varying from 0.5 to 3 has been set at 3
The organization of service station and car repairs on the ground area 88 km highway M-3 Minsk-Vitebsk Dokshitsky district
The organization of hotel complex, café on the ground area 88 km highway M-3 Minsk - Vitebsk Dokshitsky district
The organization of hotel complex, café, gambling business on the ground area 104 km highway P-3 Logojsk – Zembin – Glubokoe - the border of the Latvian Republic (Urbany) Dokshitsky district
The organization of service station and car repairs on the ground area 104 km highway P-3 Logojsk – Zembin – Glubokoe - the border of the Latvian Republic (Urbany) Dokshitsky district