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Председатель Докшицкого районного исполнительного комитета
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Government procurement
Humanitarian cooperation
Consumer protection
Land plots
Book of Memory of Dokshitsy District
Anti-Corruption Commission
Control activities
Local budgets
Unused real estate
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Occupational safety
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Social standards
Belarus to raise $5.6bn in foreign investments in 2010
30 April 2010
Belarus in for hard presidential election campaign
28 April 2010
Belarus to partake in World EXPO 2010
27 April 2010
Creation of agro-towns in Belarus to complete this five-year term
Vitebsk distillery exports trial first consignment to Kazakhstan
Turnout at Belarus’ local elections over 79%
26 April 2010
65th anniversary of Victory concert to open season at Vitebsk Summer Amphitheater
22 April 2010
Orsha to welcome Russian patriotic action Road of Glory on 22 April
Lukashenko expects opposition to fail at elections
14 April 2010
Lukashenko: Russia understands fallacy of pressuring Belarus
New cooperation models for Belarus, Russia
8 April 2010
Belarus hails Russia-US nuclear treaty
Belarus, Russia resolute to resolve all problems in their relations
Belarus to celebrate 600th anniversary of Battle of Grunwald
Polotsk debates renaming one of its streets in tribute to Battle of Grunwald
30 March 2010
Electronic declaration of imports begins in Belarus
One database now lists children in social risk in Vitebsk Oblast
Moscow students to study history of partisan movement in Vitebsk oblast
Belarus ready for productive relations with USA
29 March 2010