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Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia can settle sensitive issues in Customs Union
1 June 2010
Vitebsk Oblast beats five-year target for industrial growth in small towns
28 May 2010
Vitebsk Oblast companies with foreign investment double payments to budget
Art students from Belarus, Russia, Latvia, Kazakhstan to take part in exhibition in Vitebsk
26 May 2010
Belarus partakes in Leipzig Transport and Innovation Forum
Marc Chagall Museum hosts research conference for students
Customs Union’s car import duties unchanged for Belarusians as from 1 July
Belarusian goods to get more exposure in retail networks of Daugavpils
25 May 2010
Italian businessmen take interest in investment potential of Chashniki Region
24 May 2010
Polotsk bakery doubles extrusion bread production
FEZ Vitebsk doubles payments to budget in January-April
Alexander Lukashenko: gifted people can advance Belarus to leading positions
Verkhnedvinsk Region to host Dvina-Dzvina-Daugava Festival of Children’s Arts
Some 15 crews to represent Belarus at Slavonic Cup rally in Braslav
21 May 2010
Chapel memorial to 1812 War heroes unveiled in Polotsk
Alexander Lukashenko: joint projects will facilitate Belarus-Lithuania economic integration
20 May 2010
Belarus-Russia Interbank Currency Council to meet in Vitebsk 21-22 May
Employers of Vitebsk and Kaluga oblasts sign cooperation agreement
19 May 2010
Belarus to insist on zero oil duties in Customs Union
Belarus to build 20 transport and logistics centers soon