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Председатель Докшицкого районного исполнительного комитета
Дорогие друзья! Мы рады приветствовать всех, кто посетил официальный сайт Докшицкого районного исполнительного комитета...
Приём обращений граждан и юридических лиц c 8.00
Government procurement
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Book of Memory of Dokshitsy District
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Social standards
Belarus remains most popular destination for Russian visitors in 2023
13 September 2023
Photofact. Art courtyard in Vitebsk, which is perfect for photo lovers
12 September 2023
Center for sale and maintenance of Belarusian equipment opens in Russia's Primorye Territory
Belarus admits over 41,000 Ukrainian citizens since 1 January 2023
11 September 2023
Belarus, Russia mulling over new import-substitution projects
Belarus starts harvesting grain corn
8 September 2023
Belarus taking part in international tourism forum in Dushanbe
Igor Brylo: "The minimum number of citizens' appeals is the maximum assessment of the work of local authorities"
7 September 2023
Law enforcement agencies of Belarus, Vietnam discuss cooperation prospects
For September, the committee "Vitsebskoblimushchestvo" has scheduled 47 auctions
6 September 2023
Over 97.5% of area under crops harvested in Belarus
Vitebsk Zoo has a new addition: baby raccoons were born
5 September 2023
Flax straw harvest in Belarus exceeds 64,000t
"We care": College and university teams are invited to take part in an environmental event
4 September 2023
Belarusian Belneftekhim takes part in TatOilExpo in Kazan
Igor Zheltkevich from Glubokoe has twice won the republican contest "Best Lifeguard of Emergency Departments in Belarus".
1 September 2023
Buckwheat harvest in Belarus reaches 6,500 tonnes
Harvesting of grain and leguminous crops is being completed in Vitebsk region
31 August 2023
Belarus-Uzbekistan women's business forum to draw about 1,000 participants
CSTO ready for cooperation with Africa, Latin America
30 August 2023