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Председатель Докшицкого районного исполнительного комитета
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Government procurement
Humanitarian cooperation
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Land plots
Book of Memory of Dokshitsy District
Anti-Corruption Commission
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Unused real estate
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Social standards
Marko, Italian Baldinini may make elite footwear
30 October 2009
Belarus’ President, Alexander Kosinets discuss personnel policy in Vitebsk oblast
29 October 2009
Vitebskoblgaz to set up joint venture to produce peat pellets
NBRB: no rollercoaster for Belarusian ruble
Belarusian-Latvian tourism project Bella Dvina to present development strategy till 2017
27 October 2009
Belarus, Japan plan to carry out joint projects for children’s recreation
23 October 2009
Presidential candidates in Belarus might be allowed to use own funds for election campaign
21 October 2009
Local councils should adopt more active approach in economic matters
20 October 2009
Vitebsk oblast to host Belarus-Russia soldier festival
Vitebsk conference to discuss Belarusian-Russian-Polish comparative linguistics
19 October 2009
Belorusneft starts seismic exploration of Iran oil fields
16 October 2009
FEZ Vitebsk resident-companies invest over $100m in projects in past 10 years
15 October 2009
Belarus encouraged to advertise benefits of logistics centers
European Commission develops energy efficiency project for Belarus
Businessmen from Polish Lodz intend to implement 3 projects in Vitebsk oblast
Representatives of 40 foreign companies participate in Vitebsk Business Forum
Belgian business eager to step up cooperation with Belarus
13 October 2009
Belarus to cut down number of licensable activities by 60%
7 October 2009
Vitebsk Carpets to set up joint venture in Ukraine
6 October 2009
Belarus President in favor of lasting and useful school education