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Председатель Докшицкого районного исполнительного комитета
Дорогие друзья! Мы рады приветствовать всех, кто посетил официальный сайт Докшицкого районного исполнительного комитета...
Приём обращений граждан и юридических лиц c 8.00
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Book of Memory of Dokshitsy District
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Хренин: Военное сотрудничество Беларуси и Казахстана должно стать образцом эффективной работы
22 November 2023
PHOTO FACT: Installation of the New Year tree has begun on Victory Square in Vitebsk
21 November 2023
About 32,200 homes built in Belarus in January-October
The Charity New Year's Marathon of Friendship "Ball of Good" is held by the TCSON of Vitebsk region
20 November 2023
Belarus' total grain harvest at about 9.5m tonnes in 2023
“Onegin Readings” and “Pushkin Days” will reach a new level
17 November 2023
Belarusian rescue workers in tactical exercise at Mogilev railway station
The Ministry of Internal Affairs reminds you of the need to change your car’s shoes and switch to a winter driving style
16 November 2023
Space industry seen as driver of Belarus' innovative development
"Photos published for the first time." Publisher of teaching aids about the genocide of the Belarusian people during the Second World War
15 November 2023
Belarus-Russia Union State to finance programs on defense, space, digital automobile parts in 2024
Students and schoolchildren were invited to participate in a video competition on an environmental theme
14 November 2023
Belarus to increase area under leguminous crops to 240,000ha next year
Vitebsk State Technological College celebrates its 40th anniversary
13 November 2023
Opinion: Parties in Belarus should unite the country, not divide it
In Vitebsk, the winners of the regional stage of the youth creative competition “Remember. Honor. Prevent"
11 November 2023
Program on reconciling Belarus', Russia's macroeconomic policies completed
In Vitebsk, an LED tree-ball and a bench in the shape of the Moon will be installed on Victory Square
10 November 2023
Slutsk Cheese-Making Plant starts lactoferrin manufacturing project
More than 870 labor safety violations were identified in the Vitebsk region during the Safety Month
9 November 2023