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Government procurement
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Book of Memory of Dokshitsy District
Anti-Corruption Commission
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Social standards
Belarus gets $1.5bn state credit of Russia
27 December 2007
Fourth Hall of Brest Fortress Defense Museum reopens after reconstruction
22 December 2007
President of Belarus congratulates Belarus’ Christians who celebrate Christmas on December 25
Schengen zone enlarges on Dec. 21
19 December 2007
Belarus President confers Order of Mother on women with many children
In 2008, investments in Belarus projected to grow by 25%
18 December 2007
Belarusian President signs decree to facilitate visa procedures for Belarusians
Belarus, Finland to sign agreement on avoidance of double taxation
17 December 2007
Riga exhibition highlights Belarus-Latvia historical, scientific and cultural relations
Real estate for one basic amount available in Vitebsk oblast
Belarus prepared for talks with Russia on all issues
14 December 2007
Solyanyie Sklady included into Vitebsk sights list after restoration
13 December 2007
Vet control reinforced at Belarusian-Polish border following bird flu outbreak
12 December 2007
Sholeh Safavi-Hemami appointed new chief of UNHCR Office in Belarus
11 December 2007
Council of Republic approves ratification of Belarusian-Italian agreement on children’s recuperation holidays
7 December 2007
Belarusian economy suffers no shock as energy prices soar, Mikhail Myasnikovich says
6 December 2007
Belarus raises ?70mln loan from ABN AMRO
Six companies of Belarus’ food industry to partake in exhibition in Venezuela
5 December 2007
Belarus and Venezuela develop 5 construction projects
Belarus to abolish quotas on import of alcoholic beverages in 2008
4 December 2007