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Председатель Докшицкого районного исполнительного комитета
Дорогие друзья! Мы рады приветствовать всех, кто посетил официальный сайт Докшицкого районного исполнительного комитета...
Приём обращений граждан и юридических лиц c 8.00
Government procurement
Humanitarian cooperation
Consumer protection
Land plots
Book of Memory of Dokshitsy District
Anti-Corruption Commission
Control activities
Local budgets
Unused real estate
Regulatory documents
Public organizations
Occupational safety
Empty houses
Social standards
Belarus on fire alert
4 August 2010
Six countries to partake in Orsha medieval show
3 August 2010
Naftan to get first Venezuelan oil 31 July
30 July 2010
LLK-Naftan to increase output of new products 2.6 times in 2010
29 July 2010
Belarus will always support refugees
Vitebsk Oblast creates 12,500 working places in H1 2010
28 July 2010
Belarus’ environmental ministry urges to facilitate utilization of conservation funds
FEZ Vitebsk resident companies increased export by 44% in January-June
Belarus plans to switch into trade surplus by 2013
27 July 2010
Lukashenko, Assad to hold one-on-one meeting
Belarus’ GDP to grow by at least 11% in 2010
Belarus aims for quality breakthrough in relations with Syria
26 July 2010
Strategic allied relations with Russia is Belarus’ conscious choice
Bashar Al-Assad praises Belarus’ economic and scientific potential
Lukashenko orders to use more domestic materials in building co-generation plants
Belarus, Syria to cooperate in industry
Germany to host Belarusian Investment Forum 17 November 2010
Belarus should stop importing some kinds of agricultural machinery, President says
Belarus determines priority technological advance areas for 2011-2015
Belarus to accede to Bologna Process
23 July 2010