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Partaking in Slavonic Bazaar is prestigious for any singer, Filipp Kirkorov says
10 July 2009
Slavonic Bazaar in Vitebsk welcomes 5 thousand guests from 34 countries
Slavonic Bazaar in Vitebsk to open 10 July
9 July 2009
Tourism industry potential is not used in full, Vladimir Semashko says
8 July 2009
Director General of Bobruiskagromash wins Man of Action national contest
Belarus pursues good neighbourly policy in international arena
7 July 2009
Belarus aims for both Customs Union, EU free trade
6 July 2009
Representatives of 34 countries to take part in Slavonic Bazaar Festival in Vitebsk
30 June 2009
Belarus ready to expand tourism cooperation with Lithuania
26 June 2009
Belarus has no unresolved problems with Russia
25 June 2009
Belarus, Lithuania to promote joint energy, transport projects as part of Eastern Partnership
19 June 2009
Belarus and Turkmenistan have great cooperation potential, Alexander Lukashenko says
18 June 2009
German businessmen ready to invest in Belarus economy
16 June 2009
Belarus President: Customs Union will initiate recovery from crisis
10 June 2009
EurAsEC needs to remove interstate barriers in trade, Sergei Sidorsky says
9 June 2009
Belarus intent on stepping up cooperation with Europe
8 June 2009
Belarus to get CBSS observer status on July 1
5 June 2009
5th Belarus’ National Exhibition opens in Kazakhstan
3 June 2009
Minsk to host Power engineering. Ecology. Energy-saving. Electro exhibition in October
2 June 2009
Gotland offers joint projects to Vitebsk
1 June 2009