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Belarus, Sverdlovsk oblast to sign cooperation agreement
23 April 2008
Belarus invests more than $1bln in projects abroad in 2007
22 April 2008
Minsk to play host to 12th international exhibition “Media in Belarus”
Belarus to host gathering of volunteers of human trafficking prevention movement
16 April 2008
Council of Republic ratifies visa abolition agreement between Belarus and Venezuela
About 50 lithographs by Napoleon Orda exhibited at Great Patriotic War Museum
Belarus joins FAO European Forestry Commission
Cosmonautics Cup takes place in Vitebsk
11 April 2008
Priest from Mosar village to share experience in combating alcohol addiction
Naftan to increase oil refining up to 12 million tonnes by 2010
10 April 2008
Krasnodar to host Days of Belarusian Cinema April 21-24
Investment in fixed capital in Belarus rises by 20% in Q1
Belarus-TV audience totals 220 million
9 April 2008
Belarus urges to ensure fair representation of regions in UN Secretariat
Belarus, Vietnam call on all countries to refrain from unilateral economic sanctions
8 April 2008
Belarus plans to ratify agreement with Korea on abolishing visas in service passports
Belarus will not import Ukrainian electric energy in near future, Eduard Tovpenets
4 April 2008
Emergencies Ministry of Belarus delivers humanitarian aid to Tajikistan
Vadim Popov points to some intensification in Belarus-PACE dialogue
In May Belarus to calculate import raw sugar duty proceeding from its price of $276,46 per tonne