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Dokshitsy Regional Executive Committee
Main / News / Region
Main / News / Region
1 July 2022

Vitebsk region joined the Republican project "Roads of courage and resilience"

Vitebsk region today joined the republican patriotic project "Roads of Courage and Fortitude", which started on June 20 and will end on the Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus.

On the route of the information and educational action, 27 settlements were awarded the pennant "For courage and steadfastness during the Great Patriotic War." The main theme of the project is the historical truth about the war and our memory of those events.

The event was attended by representatives of local authorities, public associations, veterans, youth. After the rally at the Surazh military burial in the House of Culture, a meeting was held with the population in the form of a dialogue platform, which was opened by the chairman of the regional Council of Deputies Viktor Dorozhkin.

The speakers were the head of the Department of Sociology of Public Administration of the Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences Nikolai Shchekin; Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Political Science of the Belarusian State Economic University Artem Sviridov; Associate Professor of the Department of History and Cultural Heritage Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of Voronezh State University P. M. Masherova Rostislav Timofeev.

Nina Stolyarenko