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Dokshitsy Regional Executive Committee
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Main / News / Region
28 May 2010

Vitebsk Oblast companies with foreign investment double payments to budget

VITEBSK, 27 May (BelTA) – In January-April, the enterprises with foreign investment registered in the Vitebsk Oblast paid Br45.8 billion worth of taxes, almost two times more than in the same period a year before, BelTA learnt from the press service of the Vitebsk Oblast Inspectorate of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of Belarus. As of 1 May, some 214 enterprises with foreign investment operated in the Vitebsk Oblast. Over the year, their number rose by almost 10%. They generate about 4.2% of the budget revenues, up over two percentage points compared with the same period a year before. The year 2010 has seen an increase in budgetary payments by foreign legal entities. In January-April, they paid almost Br1.8 billion, up 12.5% over the same period in 2009. In January-April, the revenues of the consolidated budget of the oblast totaled nearly Br1.1 trillion. The national budget raised about Br513.5 billion, the local budget over Br584 billion. Excise duties account for 33.1% of the total revenues, VAT 16.3%, income tax 13.1%, tax on profits 8.5%. The revenues are generated by almost 16,000 enterprises and organizations, about 29,500 individual entrepreneurs and over 411,500 individuals.