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Dokshitsy Regional Executive Committee
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29 July 2011

Verkhnedvinsk District hosts international camp Be-La-Rus

VITEBSK, 29 July (BelTA) – The international camp Be-La-Rus opened near the Mound of Friendship in Verkhnedvinsk District, Vitebsk Oblast, on 28 July. It gathered 600 people, representatives of the oblast committee of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union (BRSM) told BelTA. The 20th gathering of young Belarusians, Latvians and Russians will be dedicated to the Year of Russian Cosmonautics, the 50th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin’s launch to outer space, and the 20th anniversary of the Russian Youth Union. To honor those events, participants of the camp will use space industry terms. Thus the event’s vocabulary identifies the space near the central stage as a cosmodrome, the football field has been labeled a docking module. The supervisor of the camp Be-La-Rus has been promoted to the head of the International Space Station. For three days the young people will compete in football, volleyball, a strong men’s contest, arm wrestling, sack fights. The youngsters will be able to partake in a team-building training session, a role-playing quest game “Our outer space”. The best couple of the camp will be selected. The most athletic and talented cosmonauts will be entered into the Camp Records Book 2011. The camp will stay open till 31 July. The event is organized by the Belarusian Republican Youth Union, the Progress Union of the Youth of Latvia, and the Russian Youth Union.