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Dokshitsy Regional Executive Committee
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16 July 2012

Union State to consider four new programs, Rapota says

VITEBSK, 16 July (BelTA) – The session of the Union State Council of Ministers that will be held in Minsk on 18 July will discuss concepts of four new programs, State Secretary of the Union State Grigory Rapota told a press conference in Vitebsk on 15 July, BelTA has learnt. Grigory Rapota informed that one of them deals with agriculture. He said that the agenda of the session is structured into three parts. The first block is organizational. The second one deals with trade and economic development. “It is an important matter. We will see where we are and what we should do,” Grigory Rapota said. He added: “We have made some progress; the Union State development is gaining momentum”. “All the figures will be unveiled on 18 July,” he informed. Grigory Rapota noted that the session will discuss trade and economic balances. “The coordination of balances is part of the work on the Single Economic Space. It is a higher degree of integration we are seeking to achieve,” he said. “We have a number of programs; they are continued. They deal with border infrastructure development. After all, Belarus and Russia have common external borders; therefore it is our common task,” Grigory Rapota said. The session of the Union State Council of Ministers will also discuss operation of the single group of forces.