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Dokshitsy Regional Executive Committee
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12 July 2024

Meeting of SCO culture ministers in Vitebsk to focus on dialogue of cultures

A meeting of the culture ministers of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization countries in Vitebsk will focus on the dialogue of cultures, BelTA learned from Belarusian Culture Minister Anatoly Markevich. Anatoly Markevich said: “During this year’s Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk we welcome our colleagues: culture ministers of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization states. For the first time. We will have a meeting tomorrow. We will discuss a very interesting topic: the dialogue of cultures. And the 10 countries have totally different languages, mentality but we are united in striving for becoming a powerful buffer, a barrier to stop all kinds of unneeded things from penetrating the territory of our countries. Because we stand on a solid foundation and it is impossible to shake us up or move somehow.”  A day of national cultures of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization countries will take place as part of the international art festival Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk on 12 July. The theme of the event is “For peace and creation together with the SCO”. Anatoly Markevich went on saying: “Belarus is a unique country because it is very hospitable and open. We are accustomed to good neighborliness, to good friends, to those, who come with good and understanding. Belarusians are ready to share their last possessions. It has always been like that and it will be. But the others need to approach us with kindness, love, respect for our land and our nation. It is unshakeable. Because if we see different things, then the feedback will be just like that as well. How can it be otherwise? You have to come here in order to feel our atmosphere. If you come here, you will see that things are fine, that there is no need to prove anything to anyone: people smile, it is a beautiful country, a cozy and safe one. That is important in current conditions. We treasure it and preserve it. And nobody can move our thoughts, actions, our energy and stability. We will not allow it. We are united.”  The 33rd international art festival Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk is taking place on 9-15 July. The forum is scheduled to open today. 
Writer by: belta