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Dokshitsy Regional Executive Committee
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14 December 2012

Lukashenko praises positive changes in Vitebsk Oblast development

VITEBSK, 14 December (BelTA) – There have been positive changes in the social and economic development of Vitebsk Oblast. President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko made the relevant statement as he visited the oblast on 14 December, BelTA has learned. Vitebsk Oblast Governor Mr Alexander Kosinets delivered a report about the progress in hitting the main development targets. In particular, the oblast is the leader in increasing the gross regional product and salaries. In December 2012 salaries are expected to average $580. The figure is expected to reach the equivalent of $1,000 in 2015. The labor productivity growth is ahead of the growth of salaries in Vitebsk Oblast. In 2012 earnings from selling products (commodities and services) per worker will be nearly $58,000. In 2013 the figure is expected to reach $70,000 and will be as much as $103,000 in 2015. Yet the problems of too many loans taken out by Vitebsk Oblast enterprises and the need to work out a mechanism to return the credit resources were mentioned. The relevant opinions of the officials accompanying the President differed on this, however, Alexander Kosinets assured that Vitebsk Oblast can return and service the loans. “Yes, we have taken out the loans but in conditions of the financial and economic crisis we managed to modernize many industries. As a result, today we get added value and turn out competitive products taking into account Russia’s accession to the WTO. The number of loans cannot scare us. We have no overdue liabilities,” assured the Governor. Alexander Kosinets also informed about the modernization of industrial and agricultural enterprises as well as social sphere organizations. “Vitebsk Oblast used to be heavily dependent on imports. At least 70% of the production sector depended on imported raw materials such as oil, gas, and boiler oil. In 2008 we set out to develop the processing industry, mechanical engineering, woodworking, and radio electronics. Since then we have actually reduced the share of the petrochemical industry by 10%. By 2015 the share should be only 45%,” said the Governor. Reconstruction and modernization are also in progress in the agribusiness complex. Alexander Lukashenko once again reminded about the need to store machines and vehicles properly. He was interested in the fulfillment of his instructions regarding the reconstruction of one dairy farm per agricultural enterprise. It turned out there are some shortcomings. “It was a test for all the governors, aides, district administrations, heads of companies. The test was meant to assess your ability to mobilize resources and build such a complex in every agricultural enterprise. The task was supposed to be completed in 2012,” remarked the head of state. Alexander Lukashenko underlined that Vitebsk Oblast had as many problems as other regions and therefore, the instruction has to be fulfilled. The President pointed out that as far as agriculture is concerned, the profitability of enterprises was more important than higher crop yield or milk yield. “Those are, of course, important for me, too, but whether you have money, whether people get paid is more important,” stressed the Belarusian leader. Despite the individual shortcomings Alexander Lukashenko spoke in positive terms about the dynamics of the oblast development. “You pursue the right policy – discipline and order. You take loans and are intent on returning them. Everything has to be honest. You are doing it right,” Alexander Lukashenko told Alexander Kosinets. “I see that the changes are positive at least. I don’t see changes for the worse. You have to look into the future. It is a fact that you have these plans, that you see the prospects,” said Alexander Lukashenko.