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Dokshitsy Regional Executive Committee
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4 April 2023

Krutoi: Most viable unions are created by like-minded nations

It is necessary to do more to empower young people who can contribute new ideas and concepts to the development of the Union State, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to Russia Dmitry Krutoi said in a recorded video message that was played during the online international round-table session dedicated to the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Belarus and Russia, BelTA has learned.

According to him, young people hold the key to the future of the Union State. “It is necessary to do more to empower young people who can contribute new ideas and concepts to the development of the Union State. Young people represent the strategic potential of social development, which is much more important than raw materials and financial resources,” Dmitry Krutoi said.

It is necessary to implement all Union State programs, build an advanced union of two equal countries, the ambassador emphasized. “Quite a different thing is to make this alliance long-lasting and stable, so that the efforts we have made will not be eroded tomorrow. World history shows that the most long-lasting alliances are created by like-minded peoples. They differ from alliances that are created artificially and imposed by some governments. After all, true brotherhood does not begin with programs or resolutions, but with friendly, good-neighborly, equal relations between individual representatives of these nations,” he noted. “Our generation and many generations of our ancestors in Belarus and Russia lived in a common state, in a single civilizational space. In this way, we managed to preserve, increase the originality and uniqueness of our nations. We were able to maintain this unity by building sovereign states,” the diplomat added.

“Today, the most important task of the Union State youth policy is to pass on traditions to the new generation, to help young people understand that the two countries can achieve much more if they act together,” the ambassador added. “While preserving the national and cultural uniqueness of Belarus, and Russia, we will be able to build a strong, self-sufficient, political and economic space where you can fulfill all your ambitions, plans and dreams,” Dmitry Krutoi said.

The international round-table session was initiated and organized by the Ideology and Youth Directorate of the Minsk City Council.

The goal of the event is to promote interaction and coordination in the youth policy, to discuss topical issues of patriotic education, to give young people a bigger say in the social realm and in the political landscape of the Union State, to develop interaction between Minsk and partner towns and sister cities of the Russian Federation.