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Dokshitsy Regional Executive Committee
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Main / News / Region
20 January 2023

Kochanova: Belarus' government system proved its worth in 2022

The system of government built in Belarus proved its worth in 2022, which was a difficult year for the economy, Chairwoman of the Council of the Republic Natalya Kochanova said at a meeting with the chairmen of the oblast, city and district Councils of Deputies and the executive committees of Mogilev Oblast, BelTA has learned.

"The year 2023 has already begun. We have largely summed up the results of 2022; the statistics are already there. The tasks that were set before the government of our country in terms of social and economic development were communicated to each region. We already know and understand what we have accomplished, where we have underperformed and what tasks need to be solved in the future. They were clearly defined at the sixth Belarusian People's Congress and spelled out in the state programs," Natalya Kochanova said.

According to the speaker, the Belarusian economy performed well in the difficult year of 2022. "Despite the sanctions pressure, the problems in terms of exports, the economy worked well. Enterprises functioned steadily, wages were paid," she stressed. “People have the opportunity to work, and our products are exported. Last year, as never before, our agricultural industry performed very well, for which they have our deepest gratitude. This means that we have ensured our food security and exported another $8 billion worth of agricultural products. All this suggests that the system of government, the structure that has been built in our country, is effective. We coped well with the difficulties of 2022. Many expected Belarus to collapse, but these expectations never came to pass.”

Agrarians of Mogilev Oblast also made a great contribution to the country's food security in 2022 by harvesting more than 1.3 million tonnes of grain. The region is not going to stop at that. This year they are planning to increase the areas planted to flax, to pay increased attention to the fodder for cattle and compliance with labor discipline in the field of animal husbandry. Another promising avenue in the development of the agricultural industry will be the continuation of constructive work with farmers. As previously noted by Mogilev Oblast Governor Anatoly Isachenko, the region will focus on personnel, decent wages and housing. All this, the governor is sure, will help retain the personnel potential. He also stressed that the heads of agricultural enterprises need to show more autonomy. For successful work in the region there is everything necessary, but initiative on the ground is also important.

Natalya Kochanova held similar meetings with regional executives throughout the country. Mogilev became the final destination. The main purpose of such events is to sum up the results of 2022, to convey the main messages and tasks for the coming year.