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Dokshitsy Regional Executive Committee
Main / News / Region
Main / News / Region
7 September 2023

Igor Brylo: "The minimum number of citizens' appeals is the maximum assessment of the work of local authorities"

The minimum number of requests from citizens is the maximum assessment of the work of local authorities. This opinion was expressed by Presidential Aide - Inspector for the Vitebsk region Igor Brylo, who held a "direct line" and received citizens in the Dubrovensky district Executive Committee.

It is noteworthy that instead of complaints and requests to assist in resolving any issues, the calling residents of the region expressed only gratitude to the leadership of the district executive committee, services and departments. In particular, a 75-year-old resident of ag. Mikhail Simash, winner of the Order of Lenin, highly appreciated the work of both the head of the district and his team, as well as the leadership of the village executive committee, a local agricultural enterprise. He told what effective, concrete assistance is provided to him personally and fellow villagers in solving any issues.

– I give an assessment of the work of the authorities by the number of appeals, - said Igor Brylo. – There are different pictures by region. When you see a queue of people waiting for an appointment with unresolved problems on the ground – that's one thing. And when the opposite is true-there are practically no questions-this is completely different. This means that the authorities look into all the problems that the population addresses to the district executive committee and promptly solve them. This shows that the system as a whole, in particular in the Dubrovensky district Executive Committee, is clearly structured. Everyone works for the benefit of people in one well-coordinated team.

In turn, Chairman of the Dubrovensky district Executive Committee Anatoly Lukashov stressed that people are the main thing.

– The district Executive Committee takes all measures to ensure that all issues that arise, citizens ' appeals are promptly resolved. And the faster we solve them on the ground, the fewer appeals will be sent to higher authorities. And this is also an assessment of the work of the authorities – " the head of the region said.

He said that for more than 10 years in the district there is a practice of receiving citizens at the Council Day. Representatives of all services and departments travel to a certain locality on schedule – the population coverage is comprehensive.

– We reach out to every resident, listen to them, and resolve their issues. And when we conduct the next reception in this locality, we see what has been done and what needs to be finalized. As a rule, among the "bottlenecks" are roads, water supply to the rural population (construction of de – iron stations), commercial services, and maintenance of civil cemeteries in proper condition. Everything is under the strictest control, problems are eliminated.

During a working trip to Dubrovensky district, the Presidential Aide-Inspector for the Vitebsk region met with a promising reserve of personnel. My impressions are very positive.

"We have a lot of young, enterprising, competent guys in the Vitebsk region who want and strive to work and benefit their country," Igor Brylo expressed confidence. – Some people have a strong sense of ownership, others want to stay in their native enterprises and develop them, become managers. Some people want to make a career and see themselves as civil servants. And here it is important to feel exactly where they can be useful. It is important that the reserve now includes exactly those young people who have an active life position. Since a promising manager, a manager must be not only a professional in some narrow field, but also a patriot of the Motherland. We must be sure of his ideological approach, that he will keep our country's course in the right direction, regardless of the position he occupies.

The Presidential aide visited secondary School No. 1 in Dubrovno named after A. Nikandrova. Igor Brylo assessed on the spot how the educational institution is ready for the new academic year, how the educational and upbringing processes are organized, and how children are fed. The inspector for the Vitebsk region gave a positive assessment of the well-established, well-coordinated system of work with children in this school.