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Dokshitsy Regional Executive Committee
Main / News / Region
Main / News / Region
24 June 2022

From june25 to june 26, 2022, the departament of internal of the Vitensk district executive commitee will carry out a set of preventive measures to prevent non-occupational injuries of citizens at railway transport facilites

In order to stabilize the operational situation at railway transport facilities, to identify persons who commit offenses and crimes, the Department of Internal Affairs of the Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee will carry out preventive testing of railway transport facilities from June 25 to June 26, 2022. In case of revealing the facts of drinking alcoholic low-alcohol drinks and beer, as well as smoking in unidentified places, the perpetrators will be brought to administrative responsibility.

For violation of Article 19.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Belarus (drinking alcoholic, low-alcohol drinks or beer in a public place, or appearing in a public place in a state of intoxication) entails a fine of up to eight basic units , also an act committed repeatedly within a year entails a fine in the amount of two to fifteen basic units or administrative arrest .

For violation of Article 19.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Belarus (smoking, consumption of tobacco products, use of electronic smoking systems, systems for tobacco consumption in prohibited places) entails a fine of up to four basic units .

For violation of part 4 of article 18.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Belarus (violation of the rules ensuring the safety of movements in railway transport) entails a fine of up to two basic units .

The question remains relevant regarding the use of high-power laser emitters in the direction of aircraft, the use of which can lead to serious consequences. This issue is most relevant to adolescents. 

I would also like to give all citizens some advice when using rail transport:

- it is necessary to cross the railway tracks only in the designated places;

- before crossing the tracks on the pedestrian platform, it is necessary to make sure that there is no moving train;

- while on trains, place bags and other things under the seats or places specially reserved for luggage;

- do not leave valuables and documents unattended in outerwear;

- do not take a large amount of money with you on the road;

- close compartment doors with locks or locks;

- do not leave your belongings to unfamiliar people;

- about all the troubles that have happened to you or illegal actions that have attracted your attention, always inform the train crew or police officers in a timely manner and not without delay.

Department of Internal Affairs of the Vitebsk District Executive Committee