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Dokshitsy Regional Executive Committee
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18 September 2009

China Radio and Television Orchestra to perform at Vitebsk Philharmonic

VITEBSK, 18 September (BelTA) – A concert of the China Radio and Television Symphonic Orchestra will take place at the Vitebsk Philharmonic on 18 September as part of the China Culture Days in Belarus, representatives of the Vitebsk Philharmonic told BelTA. For the first time the Vitebsk public will be able to get familiar with art by the prominent music collective. Information about the forthcoming concert met lively interest and response not only among musicologists but also regular fans of classic music. The house is expected to be sold out. The performance will be based on Chinese folk music and creations by modern Chinese composers as well as classic masterpieces of the world musical legacy. The Vitebsk public will be treated to the play Souvenirs by famous Belarusian composer Yevgeny Glebov that the Chinese orchestra has specifically prepared. The performance by the Chinese orchestra will be an excellent prelude to the new concert season, which is supposed to begin at the Vitebsk Oblast Philharmonic on 1 October. Founded in 1949, the China Radio and Television Symphonic Orchestra was the first national musical and concert group of the People’s Republic of China. At present the orchestra includes laureates of various national and international contests. Every year the orchestra invites the world’s most renowned composers, conductors for performing an extensive music repertoire. The public is enthusiastic about the orchestra thanks to the repertoire and performing skills. The internationally recognized orchestra has toured in over 40 countries.