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Dokshitsy Regional Executive Committee
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1 April 2021

Belarus plans to seed 2.4m hectares with spring crops

The total area of spring crops for harvest 2021 in Belarus is estimated at 2.4 million hectares, Deputy Agriculture and Food Minister Vladimir Grakun said at a press conference held on 30 March to discuss the readiness of the Belarusian agricultural sector for the spring sowing campaign in 2021, BelTA has learned.

“The Agriculture and Food Ministry, together with the oblast executive committees, have worked out the structure of areas for agricultural crops in 2021. In compliance with the plan spring sowing will take place on 2.4 million hectares, of which spring grain and leguminous crops will be sown on 1.1 million hectares. The emphasis is made on more productive winter crops for grain, which have been seeded in the country on 1.8 million hectares,” said Vladimir Grakun.

Due to the prolonged spring, the sowing work is planned to be carried out in a short time. “Technically we are able to carry out sowing work within 10-12 days,” the deputy minister said.

“Almost all the regions of the country have started sowing, except for the northern regions of Vitebsk Oblast. Some 34,000 hectares have been sown with early spring crops in the country so far, a little less than 5% of the area. Winter crops, cruciferous crops and perennial grasses are being fertilized as well,” the representative of the ministry said.

Farm machinery, including tractors, trailed, tillage and seeding equipment, is more than 90% ready. Spring field work will involve 37,000 machine operators. “We are short of 3,500 machine operators; they will be invited from agricultural and industrial enterprises, educational institutions. This issue has been resolved in all the regions,” he added.

To provide the domestic market with domestic products and increase demand on foreign markets plans are in place to expand the cultivated areas under buckwheat to 31,000 hectares (up 4,700 hectares from 2020), flax – 49,600 hectares (up 700 hectares), sugar beets – 97,000 hectares (up 14,200 hectares), potatoes – 25,200 hectares (up 5,400 hectares), vegetables – 6,000 hectares (up 1,600 hectares).

“Belarus will need Br2.25 billion to carry out spring field work. The amount will be raised thanks to the national and local budgets, loans, and organizations' funds,” said Vladimir Grakun.

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