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Dokshitsy Regional Executive Committee
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10 March 2021

Belarus' KGB chief warns of opposition's plans to stage provocation on 25-27 March

The Belarusian opposition is preparing to stage a provocation on 25-27 March, State Security Committee (KGB) Chairman Ivan Tertel said on the air of the Belarus 1 TV channel, BelTA informs.

“Several subversive centers have been set up by political exiles abroad, where the so-called fugitives are on the payroll of foreign special services. The bulk of funds is channeled into destabilizing the situation during this period. There is a cut-throat competition for these resources among above-mentioned groups in Poland, Lithuania, Germany, and in some other countries. This money is used to prop them up,” the KGB chief said.

According to Ivan Tertel, the opposition has several scenarios on the table. They were developed by persons who left Belarus earlier. Their plans provide for scapegoating the well-known opposition figures, like head of the Belarusian Popular Front Party Grigory Kostusev, leader of the For Freedom movement Yuri Gubarevich and some others, as well as coordinators of house chats.

“The organizers will reap most of the financial benefits, while those who will try to officially organize events will subsequently be held accountable for calling people to take part in the unauthorized part of the events that will be accompanied by provocations, with possible victims from among ordinary citizens and some kind of emergencies,” the KGB chief said.

One of the scenarios provides for filing an application to hold the so-called Freedom Day, subsequent gathering of people on Yakub Kolas Square, a march to the Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theater, then an uncontrolled exit of people and a clash with law enforcement. More violent scenarios are also possible. They involve the participation of third parties and injuring people in the vicinity,” Ivan Tertel added.

According to another option, people will start gathering in the area of ​​Bangalore Square. When emotions start running high, the organizers will take people downtown and begin to provoke law enforcement. The third scenario will be implemented in the event of a ban to hold a rally. In this case, the opposition intends to embark on manipulations in the information space and, using Telegram channels, will call people to take part in unauthorized rallies, where clashes with law enforcement officers are planned.

“Provocations might also come from third parties. This will wreak havoc and justify the funds invested in them. Against this background they will rock the boat further. In this regard, we have a clear understanding of what we should do, we know who exactly is behind it abroad, their plans and the channels of receiving funds. We know the names of executors on our territory, including in local chats,” the KGB chairman warned.

According to him, the State Security Committee and the Ministry of Internal Affairs have already taken appropriate preventive measures; law enforcement will strictly follow the law. “We will not hesitate. We will suppress it in conformity with the law, but harshly. Naturally, we will ensure the basic principle of justice - the inevitability of punishment for what one has done,” the KGB chief said.

Ivan Tertel urged people not to succumb to provocations on the part of protest organizers, to take care of their loved ones, especially minors, and also to keep in mind that such rallies can benefit only those who receive foreign money.

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