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Dokshitsy Regional Executive Committee
Main / News / Region


20 January 2023
The system of government built in Belarus proved its worth in 2022, which was a difficult year for the economy, Chairwoman of the Council of the Republic Natalya Kochanova said at a meeting with the chairmen of the oblast, city and district Councils of Deputies and the executive committees of Mogilev Oblast, BelTA has learned. "The year 2023 has already begun. We have largely summed up the results of 2022; the statistics are already there. The tasks that were set before the...
19 January 2023
Almost Br450,000 worth of funding was provided to round-the-clock care homes for disabled children during the New Year's charity campaign Our Children, BelTA learned from the press service of the Labor and Social Security Ministry. About 130 organizations and 246 individuals took part in the charity event. Employees of the Labor and Social Security Ministry and subordinate organizations visited orphanages and the National Rehabilitation Center for Disabled Children. The amount of aid...
18 January 2023
The Jewish community in Belarus traditionally organizes memorial events, mourning rallies, exhibitions and film screenings, lectures and other events to mark the International Holocaust Remembrance Day (27 January), to keep the memory of the Holocaust alive and involve Jewish and non-Jewish audiences in the process, BelTA learned from the organizers. This year the Union of Belarusian Jewish Public Associations and Communities plans to organize a series of events throughout Belarus....
17 January 2023
Over 13,500 foreigners have visited Belarus as part of the visa-waiver travel program since 1 January 2023, BelTA learned from the State Border Committee of Belarus. Since 1 January, Belarus has weclomed 9,966 citizens of Lithuania, 1,822 citizens and 462 citizens of Latvia, and 1,329 Polish citizens. All in all, since the launch of the visa-waiver program for neighboring EU countries, Belarus has hosted 398,565 arrivals: 258,229 citizens of Lithuania, 27,341 non-citizens and 89,956...
16 January 2023
A new building was inaugurated in the children's rehabilitation and health center Zhemchuzhina in the village of Borovka, Lepel District. The facility was constructed under the state program to mitigate the Chernobyl impact. The new building is designed for 166 seats. The residential wing has rooms for one, two and three beds, including 10 rooms for wheelchair users. In the building there is a dining room with production workshops of the catering unit and a dining room for 84 seats, a...
13 January 2023
The coronavirus pandemic in Belarus is almost over, however, neither residents of the country nor healthcare workers should relax just yet, BelTA learned from Belarusian Healthcare Minister Dmitry Pinevich. Dmitry Pinevich said: “Today we are talking about lessons of the pandemic. We are accustomed to the situation changing fast while we come up with prompt responses to it. The pandemic taught us a slightly different format of information sharing and work. The pandemic is almost...