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Dokshitsy Regional Executive Committee
Main / News / Region


19 September 2008
The administration of the free economic zone (FEZ) Vitebsk has registered two new companies founded by the Belarusian investors. The founders intend to put over ?4 million in the implementation of the projects, BelTA learnt from the FEZ administration. The Eurokirpich Company plans to develop the facing brick production under the dolomite superpressure technology that is yet unmatched in the country. The superpressure process differs from the traditional technologies in low power intensity...
17 September 2008
The Vitebsk oblast is expected to complete the transformation of its 15 companies with the total staff of about 1.500 specialists into joint-stock companies before the end of 2008, BelTA learnt from Svetlana Lukashevich, Deputy Director of the Vitebsk territorial fund Vitebskoblimuschestvo. The companies are reformed in compliance with the 2008-2010 plan on transformation into a joint-stock company approved by Resolution No 1021 of July 14, 2008 by the Council of Ministers. Labour...
10 September 2008
Almost Br170 billion will be assigned for re-equipment of construction companies of the Vitebsk oblast in 2008-2010, BelTA learnt in the committee for architecture and construction of the Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee. Construction companies of the region intend to purchase tower cranes, crane trucks, bulldozers, excavators and other construction vehicles (all in all, 757 vehicles). According to specialists, such large-scale renewal of the construction equipment is the most important...
27 August 2008
A culinary and ethnographic festival “The gifts of woods” will be held in the Rossony region of the Vitebsk oblast on August 30. Attending the festival will be participants of the international biking tour of solidarity with tourist Belarus, BelTA learnt from the public association “Agro- and ecotourism.” Taking part in the festival will be the best culinary experts of the region. The guests will be able to try most delicious dishes made from mushrooms and berries as well as herbal...
22 August 2008
The Vitebsk oblast is finishing the harvest campaign. Only 16% of the area under grain crops and leguminous plants remains to be harvested, BelTA learnt from deputy head of the agriculture and foodstuffs department of the Vitebsk oblast executive committee Nikolai Olenich. As of August 22, almost 970 thousand tonnes of grain have been cropped. Yesterday’s heavy rain slowed down the harvest campaign, though the mark of one million tonnes will be passed within the next few days, Nikolai...
16 August 2008
In 2008-2010, the Vitebsk oblast of Belarus intends to invest about Br1 trillion in the construction branch, BelTA learnt in the committee for construction and architecture of the Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee. The funds will be assigned for modernization and technical upgrading of construction companies. In line with the programme of the development of the regional construction branch for 2008-2010, the funding will be carried out at the expense of equity capital of the construction...