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Dokshitsy Regional Executive Committee
Main / News / Region


20 October 2008
The international research seminar Economic Growth in Contexts of Transformation will be held in Vitebsk State Technological University on October 23, BelTA learnt in the university. Attending the seminar will be scientists and specialists from 6 countries. More than 100 specialists from the Russian Federation, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and leading research centres and universities of Belarus have already confirmed their participation in the forum. The participants of the seminar...
15 October 2008
There are plans to attract over $7 billion of foreign investments into the Belarusian economy, First Deputy Economy Minister of Belarus Piotr Zhabko told a press conference on October 15. In his words, in H1 2008 foreign direct investments amounted to $1.23 billion. “It is virtually equal to the amount of foreign direct investments received in 2007 and three times as much as in 2005,” noted the First Deputy Economy Minister. In 2005 Belarus’ economy attracted $1.8 billion of foreign...
9 October 2008
Official delegations and businessmen from 10 countries worldwide are taking part in the 6th International Investment Forum Investments for Business and Regions Development in Vitebsk, BelTA learnt in the economy committee of the Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee. The main goal of the forum is to present the possibilities of companies and regions of the Vitebsk oblast to attract foreign investments. More than 160 investment projects will be presented by the national participants of the...
9 October 2008
The Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee and BTA Bank (part of BTA Bank, the largest Kazakhstan bank) have signed a cooperation agreement. The document was signed during the VI international investment forum Investments for Development of Business and Provinces, BelTA has learnt. BTA Bank Deputy Chairman of the Board Alexander Titov remarked, the agreement will boost the bank’s cooperation with businesses in the Vitebsk oblast. The first steps have been made. There is a BTA Bank centre of...
7 October 2008
The Vitebsk Poultry Plant has launched the industrial hatching unit which will produce 20 million eggs a year. This hatching unit is the biggest in Belarus, BelTA learnt from director of the plant Anna Shareiko. In line with the biosafety requirements, the industrial hatching unit was placed 7 kilometers far from the plant. The specialized equipment was supplied by a Dutch company. The system is fully computerized and automated. The Vitebsk Poultry Plant invested Br10 billion in...
7 October 2008
There are plans to privatise 18 municipal companies in the Vitebsk oblast by the end of 2010, BelTA learnt from Pavel Kotikov, Deputy Director of the Vitebsk Territorial Fund Vitebskoblimushchestvo, commenting on the draft oblast privatisation plan, which runs till 2010. The draft plan mainly lists juridical persons of the housing and utilities industry as well as design, trade and local industry enterprises, which employ from 30 to 300 people. The list has been agreed with state...