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Dokshitsy Regional Executive Committee
Main / News / Region


10 November 2008
The joint Belarusian-Latvian programme titled as Bella Dvina - Crossing the Border, Discovering the Culture, Enjoying the Nature of the Western Dvina/Daugava River Space starts in Polotsk on November 19, BelTA learnt from Igor Zagrekov, the chief specialist of the sport and tourism department of the Polotsk town council. On that day Polotsk will host an international conference “Development of tourism in the Bella Dvina region: national and cross-border aspects.” At the conference the...
10 November 2008
The Free Economic Zone Vitebsk will present a project to set up the production of dried pectin and pectin-containing products at the Belarusian Investment Forum in London. The project is estimated at $37.5 million, BelTA learnt from the FEZ administration. This project will be implemented by the PECTO Company that became the resident company of the FEZ Vitebsk in 2007. The business plan of the project has already been elaborated; the PECTO Company is currently seeking co-investors. The...
31 October 2008
Twenty state-run companies of the Vitebsk oblast (more than 9 thousand employees) are expected to be reorganized into open joint-stock societies in 2009, BelTA learnt from Svetlana Lukashevich, the director of the Vitebsk territorial fund “Vitebskoblimuschestvo”. The reorganization of the companies is held in line with the plan of privatization of state-run economic entities for 2008-2009 which was approved by Council of Ministers’ resolution No 1021 of July 14, 2008. The list of the...
29 October 2008
Till the end of 2008, the blocks of shares of the three Vitebsk-based companies which were reorganized into open joint-stock societies will be sold by auction, Pavel Kotikov, the deputy director of the Vitebsk territorial fund Vitebskoblimuschestvo, told BelTA commenting upon the approved plan of privatization for the period till 2010. The blocks of shares of OAO Vitebsky Khoztorg, OAO Vitebskoblagropromtrans and Lepelpromshveimebel are expected to be sold by auction. According to...
29 October 2008
The Free Economic Zone Vitebsk will present three projects at the Belarusian Investment Forum in London, BelTA learnt from the FEZ administration. The FEZ administration hopes to find strategic investors for the construction industry projects which presuppose the use of local feed stock – dolomite. Big dolomite reserves in the region make these projects very lucrative, FEZ specialists say. One of the projects is aimed at setting up the production of lime and magnesite cement from dolomite...
22 October 2008
The biggest in the Vitebsk oblast sports centre will open on the base of the Luzhesno boarding school in December this year, BelTA learnt from director of the school Vladimir Shitko. The facility will be constructed in line with state programme “Children of Belarus” for 2006-2011. The cost of the project is around Br12 billion. The sports centre will include an indoor gym (it will occupy around 1 thousand square meters), a swimming pool (25 meters), 2 weight rooms and a tennis room, a...