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14 July 2009
VITEBSK, 13 July (BelTA) – “All the participants of the Vitebsk-2009 song contest showed high singing skills,” Belarusian Culture Minister Pavel Latushko told BelTA. “The tough competition highlighted the outstanding singing skills of the participants. It is nice that the natives of Belarus showed good vocality skills,” said the Minister. He also mentioned the strong Gomel song school. Russia’s Dmitry Danilenko, the Grand Prix winner, and Belarusian Andrei Kolosov, the Second...
13 July 2009
MINSK, 13 July (BelTA) – The Slavonic Bazaar in Vitebsk is the national pride of Belarus, the symbol of openness and hospitality of the Belarusian land and the people, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko noted during the opening ceremony of the 18th international festival of arts Slavonic Bazaar in Vitebsk on 10 July, BelTA learnt from the press service of the Belarusian leader. “There are significant events in the world including the Olympic Games, international film festivals...
10 July 2009
VITEBSK, 10 July (BelTA) – Chief of the Russian President’s Administration Sergei Naryshkin donated six copies of paintings by Ilya Repin to Vitebsk. A solemn ceremony of handing over the copies was held at the Vitebsk Art Museum on 10 July. According to Sergei Naryshkin, the idea to donate the paintings came to his mind a year ago when he visited Zdravnevo museum where the famous Russian artist Ilya Repin once lived. The idea was supported by the CIS Interstate Humanitarian Cooperation...
10 July 2009
VITEBSK, 10 July (BelTA) – An alley was unveiled in Vitebsk on 10 July to honour laureates of the Belarus President prize “Towards peace and mutual understanding via art” at the XVIII international art festival Slavonic Bazaar in Vitebsk. At the opening ceremony Belarusian Culture Minister Pavel Latushko remarked that the Slavonic Bazaar in Vitebsk is a contribution to the world culture. The Minister said that the opening of the Alley is a tribute of respect to all artists and figures...
10 July 2009
MINSK, 10 July (BelTA) – Parliamentarians of the Union State will attend the events of the 18th international arts festival Slavonic Bazaar in Vitebsk, BelTA learnt from the press office of the Belarus-Russia Union State Parliamentary Assembly. The Union State has a participatory interest in the financing and organization of the Slavonic Bazaar. The Parliamentary Assembly’s representatives are the members of the organizing committee of the festival. As in previous years, the events...
10 July 2009
VITEBSK, 10 July (BelTA) – The Slavonic Bazaar is a source of great spiritual joy, First Deputy Culture Minister of Belarus Vladimir Rylatko told a press conference dedicated to the opening of the 18th international festival of arts. Vitebsk becomes more beautiful from year to year, he said. “The Holy Resurrection Church has opened today after renovations,” he noted. The town will become even more beautiful by the next festival, said Nikolai Pashinsky, the chief of the culture...