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Dokshitsy Regional Executive Committee
Main / News / Region


26 May 2010
VITEBSK, 26 May (BelTA) – Art schools of Belarus, Russia, Latvia and Kazakhstan will exchange the experience in art education and will present the works of their students at the international Perspektiva 2010 exhibition in Vitebsk. The project has been organized by the Vitebsk city hall and Vitebsk museum of modern arts, BelTA learned from the director of the museum Valentina Kirillova. Five exhibition areas will be given to young talents from 28 May to 14 June. They will display more than...
26 May 2010
MINSK, 27 May (BelTA) – A delegation of the Transport and Communication Ministry of Belarus takes part in an international transport forum, Transport and Innovations: Unleashing the Potential. The forum is held in Leipzig, Germany, on 26-28 May, BelTA learnt from the press service of the Transport and Communications Ministry of Belarus on 26 May. The Belarusian delegation is headed by Belarus’ Transport Minister Ivan Shcherbo. He is scheduled to attend the following sessions – Supply...
26 May 2010
VITEBSK, 26 May (BelTA) – The Marc Chagall Museum in Vitebsk has organized a research conference for students. Participating in the conference were students, postgraduate students and professors of the Slavic Studies Institute of Regensburg University (Germany), BelTA learned from Ludmila Khmelnitskaya, the director of the museum. The program of the conference was developed taken into consideration Institute’s lectures on the Russian history (1918-1920) and the creative activity of the...
25 May 2010
VITEBSK, 25 May (BelTA) – Belarusian goods need to have more exposure in the retail networks of Daugavpils, Latvia, chairman of the Daugavpils city duma Janis Lachplesis told BelTA. Janis Lachplesis is heading a delegation of Daugavpils during a visit to Vitebsk. “Vitebsk and Daugavpils have good relations in culture and tourism. We have been successfully implementing joint projects. Now it is time we started developing economic contacts,” the mayor said. A step toward such contacts...
24 May 2010
VITEBSK, 24 May (BelTA) – Italian businessmen have taken interest in the investment potential of the Chashniki Region, BelTA learnt from head of the ideological department of the Chashniki Regional Executive Committee Tatiana Pchelkina. The extensive delegation that visited the Chashniki Region included head of the Italian Logistics Association AILOG Domenico Netti, top executives of major Italian companies producing cosmetics and personal care products, ventilation equipment and...
24 May 2010
VITEBSK, 24 May (BelTA) – The Polotsk bakery has virtually doubled the production of extrusion bread. The output went up from slightly more than 10 tonnes per month in January-February to 18 tonnes in April, director of the enterprise Sergei Leichenko told BelTA. In his words, at present the bakery offers 12 types of such bread. In June the bakery will offer six new types: bread with chicken, bacon, paprika, mushrooms, onions with sour cream flavors as well as fruit filling. The latter...