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Dokshitsy Regional Executive Committee
Main / News / Region


27 October 2010
VITEBSK, 27 October (BelTA) – A scientific conference, Vitebsk Antiquities, marking the 90th anniversary of well-known historian and archeologist Leonid Alexeyev will take place in the Vitebsk Regional History Museum on 28-29 October, BelTA learnt from the oblast cultural department. Leonid Alexeyev, a native of Roston-on-Don, has dedicated the major part of his works to studying the history of the Polotsk Principality. In the 1950-70s the scientist was engaged in the excavation works in...
25 October 2010
VITEBSK, 25 October (BelTA) – Renowned Polish pianist Jan Krzysztof Broja gave a piano concert in the Vitebsk Philharmonic on October 24 to mark the 200th anniversary of the famous composer Frederic Chopin, BelTA learned from art director of the philharmonic Nelli Mazaberidze. It was the first time that Vitebsk lovers of classical music could appreciate the art of the Polish pianist who, in turn, could appreciate the sound of the Steinway piano, the pride of the regional philharmonic....
22 October 2010
VITEBSK, 22 October (BelTA) - Extra revenues of the Vitebsk Oblast budget were close to Br52.6 billion in January-September, the press center of the Vitebsk Oblast Inspectorate of the Belarusian Tax Ministry told BelTA. In January-September 2010 the Vitebsk Oblast consolidated budget received over Br3 trillion in revenues, 101.8% of the targeted amount. Budgets of all levels secured their targeted revenues. The national budget received almost Br1.6 trillion, 102.3% of the targeted amount,...
20 October 2010
VITEBSK, 20 October (BelTA) – Vitebsk and the Italian city of Brescia plan to develop cooperation in trade, economic and socio-cultural areas. A preliminary agreement on this was reached in the course of a visit of a Vitebsk Oblast delegation to the Brescia province of Italy on October 11-15, BelTA learnt from the Vitebsk Office of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. During the talks the representatives of the Belarusian and Italian regions noted that Vitebsk and Brescia have...
20 October 2010
VITEBSK, 20 October (BelTA) - From 2006 to September of 2010, industrial production in Vitebsk Oblast increased 1.4 times from 2005, BelTA learnt from the economy committee of the Vitebsk oblast executive committee. Owing to the regional social and economic development program, the production of consumer goods increased 1.7 times in 2006-2010. The growth trends were steady in the manufacture of polymer films, excavators, furniture, flax fibers, carpets, footwear, dairy and meat processing....
19 October 2010
VITEBSK, 19 October (BelTA) – CIS observers that have been sent to monitor the presidential election in Belarus have arrived in Vitebsk Oblast, BelTA learned from Vyacheslav Kryukovsky, Chairman of the Vitebsk Oblast commission for the Belarus president election. The observers started getting familiar with the progress of the election campaign in the region by visiting territorial election commissions. Without limiting themselves to Vitebsk they visited rural areas. According to...