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Dokshitsy Regional Executive Committee
Main / News / Region


10 January 2011
VITEBSK, 10 January (BelTA) – The winery in Vitebsk plans to produce bagged tea in 2011, BelTA has learned. The business plan of this project is under development. There are plans to attract Chinese investments. The factory in Vitebsk started to produce tea in 2009. To date the plant produces ten sorts of tea, namely black tea with oregano, hypericum, mint, blackberry leaves and dried apples. In 2010 the plant’s output of tea and bagged tea increased eight times over 2009 to 26 tonnes....
10 January 2011
VITEBSK, 10 January (BelTA) – Braslav Town Hall proposed to include more than ten investment projects in the Braslav District development program, BelTA learned from Deputy Chairman of the Braslav Town Hall Valentina Vysotskaya. The development program of Braslav district as a national resort for 2011-2015 is in the pipeline. It takes into account the natural and cultural capacity of the region as well as the vicinity of Lithuanian and Latvian borders. The projects to build a hotel, an...
6 January 2011
VITEBSK, 6 January (BelTA) – An international kick-off conference of the EU project “SURE: Sustainable Urban Energy in the Region of the European Neighborhood Partnership Instrument – towards the Covenant of Mayors” will take place in Polotsk on 18-19 January, BelTA learnt from the Polotsk City Hall. The project is a part of the EU program “CIUDAD: Cooperation in Urban Development and Dialogue” and unites six partners from five countries: Germany, Spain, Belarus, Morocco and...
5 January 2011
VITEBSK, 5 January (BelTA) – The Vitebsk Philharmonic Hall organizes a Christmas Music Academy for young talents, BelTA learnt from art director of the philharmonic Nelli Matsaberidze. A new project slated for 6-9 January will provide music students with an opportunity to receive qualified consultations from outstanding musicians, get familiar with the world classical music and modern compositions. The music academy will specialize in piano and singing. Among the teachers are Candidate...
5 January 2011
VITEBSK, 5 January (BelTA) – The Vitstroitekhmash Company launched the production of autohydraulic hoists from high-tension structural steel. Thus, the company completed the first phase of its import-substituting investment project and started serial production of Vipo hoists, Vitstroitekhmash director Andrei Sidorov told BelTA. In early 2010 Vitstroitekhmash was the first in Belarus to design an autohydraulic hoist from high-tension structural steel. The mounting equipment which is...
4 January 2011
VITEBSK, 4 January (BelTA) - Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve has been added to the list of wetlands of international importance. The decision was taken by the secretariat of the Ramsar Convention, BelTA learnt from Valery Ivkovich, deputy director for research of the Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve. The reserve together with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of Belarus and the National Academy of Sciences has been working for several years on the necessary documents...