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Dokshitsy Regional Executive Committee
Main / News / Region


15 May 2012
VITEBSK, 15 May (BelTA) - More than 4,400 citizens of Latvia, residents of frontier regions, have been granted small-scale border traffic permits, the deputy chairman of the Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee Oleg Matskevich told a news briefing. In accordance with the agreement between the Governments of Belarus and Latvia on small-scale border traffic as of 23 August 2010, on 1 February this year the consular authorities began accepting documents for small-scale border traffic permits....
11 May 2012
VITEBSK, 11 May (BelTA) – The Belarusian-Latvian tourism project Bella Dvina gets its continuation and now will include Lithuania, BelTA learnt from Igor Zagrekov, a tourism expert on the Bella Dvina-2 project. Belarus, Latvia and Lithuania have launched a tourism project, Bella Dvina-2: Enhancing Tourism Potential in Latgale-Utena-Vitebsk Area, to promote tourism in the abovementioned regions. Bella Dvina 2 is a continuation of the EU project Bella-Dvina – Crossing the Border,...
10 May 2012
VITEBSK, 10 May (BelTA) – Decree No. 6 “On stimulating entrepreneurship in the medium-sized and small towns and rural communities” will boost investment activity in rural areas and enhance the economic potential of the regions, Chairman of the Braslav District Executive Committee Sergei Shmatov told BelTA. The decree abolishes customs duties and VAT for goods that are imported to Belarus as equity contributions to companies operating in small towns and the countryside. The move is...
28 April 2012
VITEBSK, 28 April (BelTA) – Vitebsk Oblast showed a budget surplus of Br67 billion in Q1 2012, head of the financial department of the Vitebsk oblast executive committee Boris Kichanovsky said at the 20th session of the Vitebsk Oblast Council of Deputies of the 26th convocation. In January-March 2012 the oblast demonstrated positive dynamics in almost all social and economic development parameters. Vibrant economic activity boosted revenue to both the regional and oblast budgets. In the...
27 April 2012
VITEBSK, 27 April (BelTA) – The amount of medical services provided to foreigners in Vitebsk Oblast increased by 76% in Q1 2012 as against the same time last year, BelTA learnt from the healthcare department of the Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee. In Q1 2012 the medical tourism brought $247,600 to the oblast’s budget. According to the specialists, the rise in medical service to foreigners was attributed to a strong material base of the oblast medical establishments and high...
26 April 2012
VITEBSK, 26 April (BelTA) – Georgian composer and singer Jemal Sepiashvili will head the jury of the international children’s music contest Vitebsk 2012, representatives of the Directorate of the art festival Slavonic Bazaar in Vitebsk told BelTA. Jemal Sepiashvili is an honored art worker of Georgia, a laureate of the State Award in Georgia, a public figure. His works express an inseparable connection with origins of the Georgian national music. The composer pays a lot of attention to...