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Dokshitsy Regional Executive Committee
Main / News / Region


29 December 2012
DOKSHITSY DISTRICT, 29 December (BelTA) – The state spares neither effort nor money to raise healthy kids. Chairman of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus Mr Vladimir Andreichenko made the statement on 29 December during the visit to the Begoml boarding school for orphans and children deprived of parental care. The visit was made as part of the nationwide charity action Our Children, BelTA has learned. Vladimir Andreichenko remarked that any state has enough...
26 December 2012
VITEBSK, 26 December (BelTA) – Vitebsk Endocrinology Center has received medical equipment as part of the grant of the Japanese government. The solemn ceremony of handing over the equipment was held on 26 December. The ceremony was attended by Deputy Governor of Vitebsk Oblast Vladimir Terentiev and Charge d'Affaires of Japan to Belarus Shigehiro Mimori, BelTA has learnt. The medical facility received a next-generation compact color ultrasound system that allows detecting any malformation...
14 December 2012
VITEBSK, 14 December (BelTA) – There have been positive changes in the social and economic development of Vitebsk Oblast. President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko made the relevant statement as he visited the oblast on 14 December, BelTA has learned. Vitebsk Oblast Governor Mr Alexander Kosinets delivered a report about the progress in hitting the main development targets. In particular, the oblast is the leader in increasing the gross regional product and salaries. In December 2012...
5 December 2012
VITEBSK, 5 December (BelTA) – In view of the forthcoming celebration of Christmas and New Year the Belarusian company Verkhnedvinsk Cheese and Butter Making Plant (Yan Syrodel trademark) has shipped the first batches of mozzarella and ricotta cheeses to retail chains, representatives of OAO Verkhnedvinsk Cheese and Butter Making Plant told BelTA. The new import-substituting food is made by the limited liability company Verkhny Lug, which had been in turn founded by Verkhnedvinsk Cheese and...
4 December 2012
VITEBSK, 4 December (BelTA) – The effectiveness of using financial resources should become the most important guideline in the operation of all economic entities. The opinion was voiced by Ms Lyudmila Dobrynina, Chairwoman of the Budget and Finance Commission of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly, as she commented on the declaration of the year 2013 the Year of Frugality in Belarus. All the enterprises and institutions regardless of whether they are private or state-run...
4 December 2012
VITEBSK, 4 December (BelTA) – Orsha and Marupe Municipality of Latvia are establishing economic cooperation, BelTA learnt from Mr Oleg Smirnovsky, Deputy Chairman of the Orsha City Council. Representatives of Marupe Municipality are in Orsha on their first official visit. "We have had no business contacts before. We contacted the Consulate of Latvia in Vitebsk, and with their help reached to Marupe Municipality authorities and invited them on a business visit. Particular emphasis was...