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Dokshitsy Regional Executive Committee
Main / News / Region


21 May 2014
MINSK, 21 May (BelTA) – Belarusian Railways and Latvian Railways have signed an agreement on cooperation for electrifying the Polotsk-Daugavpils line, the press service of the Belarusian railroad operator told BelTA. The agreement provides for setting up a joint taskforce that will coordinate plans and schedules of the joint electrification of the railroad line, coordination of freight traffic and hauling options. In the future the taskforce will have to prepare action plans for each...
15 May 2014
VITEBSK, 15 May (BelTA) – The festival of medieval culture Rubon 2014 will take place in Polotsk on 23-25 May, BelTA learned from the Polotsk District Executive Committee. The festival of medieval culture will be held in the Year of Hospitality. It will feature the Belarusian national cuisine and museum ethnography. The event in Polotsk will include the culinary festival, theater adaptations with museum exhibits, historical reenactment of stages of development of Polotsk District. The...
6 May 2014
VITEBSK, 6 May (BelTA) – Results of the joint initiative of Belarus, Latvia, and Lithuania aimed at promoting transboundary tourism Bella Dvina 2 have been summed up, BelTA learned from representatives of the Interaction Foundation, which is intent on promoting the development of international dialogue and cooperation. The project titled as Bella Dvina 2 was meant to promote tourism in the bordering areas of Latgalia, Utena, and Vitebsk. The project was officially ended on 6 May. The...
24 April 2014
VITEBSK, 24 April (BelTA) - Vitebsk Department Store is the first retail outlet of Vitebsk ready to introduce the Tax Free system, BelTA learnt from director of the department store Svetlana Karput. At the moment Vitebsk Department Store is installing a special automated system with all the necessary software and testing it. The system will be commissioned by the end of H1 2014, so the foreign guests and participants of the International Festival of Arts Slavonic Bazaar in Vitebsk will be...
18 April 2014
VITEBSK, 18 April (BelTA) – The first phase of ticket sales for the 23rd International Festival of Arts Slavonic Bazaar in Vitebsk is starting in Vitebsk on 18-19 April, BelTA learnt from the Vitebsk Culture Center. The tickets can be bought using cash at all the box offices of the Vitebsk Culture Center or using a bank card from the directorate of the festival or at the Vitebsk Concert Hall starting from 10:00. “During the first two days, tickets will be sold only in Vitebsk, after...
8 April 2014
VITEBSK, 8 April (BelTA) – Students from four countries are competing at the 3rd international modern dance festival, Make a Step Forward, in Vitebsk, BelTA learnt from the Vitebsk Oblast Committee of the BRSM Youth Union. The three-day dance forum has gathered the best dancers of 16 universities of Belarus, Russia, Ukraine and Moldova. Belarus is represented at the festival by Belarusian National Technical University, Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics,...