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Dokshitsy Regional Executive Committee
Main / News / Region


22 October 2019
Belarus' Vitebsk Oblast and Shandong Province of China have signed an agreement on friendship and comprehensive cooperation, BelTA learned from the Vitebsk regional administration. The document was signed during the Shandong Province Twin Regions Forum in Jinan City on 15-17 October. The forum defined cooperation priorities: regular business visits at all levels, cooperation in trade and investment, industry, and transport logistics, establishing joint companies in petrochemicals, water...
8 October 2019
Belarus has created all the necessary conditions for monitoring the elections, the CIS observers said after monitoring several stages of the election campaign in Belarus, BelTA learned from the headquarters of the mission. "The CIS observers noted that Belarus has created all the necessary conditions for monitoring the elections. Heads and members of district election commissions are open to communication, and provide the necessary information about the stages of the election campaign....
10 September 2019
Operating principles of the social entrepreneurship support fund will be developed in Belarus by the end of 2019 as part of the project "Support to Economic Development at the Local Level in the Republic of Belarus", Natalia Adamchik, UNDP Local Initiative Contest Coordinator told BelTA in Vitebsk on 5 September during a seminar for participants of the local initiative contest that was called to select the best ideas aimed at supporting infrastructure of SMEs and entrepreneurship. The...
28 August 2019
Belarus is competing the sowing of winter cruciferous crops for seeds, BelTA learned from the Belarusian Agriculture and Food Ministry. Some 275,300 hectares of winter cruciferous crops, including winter coleseed, (98.3% of the plan) have been planted for seeds. According to the autumn fieldwork plan 2019 approved by the Belarusian Agriculture and Food Ministry, the sowing of winter cruciferous crops for seeds should be completed by 30 August. Soils are currently prepared to sow winter...
15 August 2019
Personnel of the 103rd Independent Guards Airborne Brigade arranged a readiness muster on 14 August ahead of the Belarusian-Russian army exercise Union Shield 2019, BelTA has learned. The paratroopers will travel to the Mulino exercise area in Russia in late August in order to begin preparations for accomplishing tasks in the course of the Union Shield 2019 exercise. Representatives of the Defense Ministry inspected the brigade and evaluated its readiness for the exercise on 14 August....
29 July 2019
Tainted Russian oil has been fully removed from the Unecha-Polotsk oil pipeline, BelTA learned from Deputy Director - Chief Engineer at OAO Polotsktransneft Druzhba Mikhail Borovoy. "OAO Polotsktransneft Druzhba has completed another phase of the roadmap to replace the oil contaminated with organic chlorides in the pipelines on the Belarusian territory for standard-quality oil. The oil not compliant with the quality standards has been pumped from the Unecha-Polotsk 2 pipeline to Russia via...